Conversation Between Daggart and zain160

7 Visitor Messages

  1. okay cool thanks
  2. Ah, okay. And sure, I'll put up the picture later today when I have time. I'll leave a note to remind myself.
  3. sorry i meant to put don't forget to post the picture up and i am sorry that i wasn't able to join you again my connection was acting weird again (sorry again i i was typing to fast i forgot to put some words)
  4. Don't to? I'm sorry what? Any chance you can reword that properly?

    And for the record I do want to upload the picture for the group.
  5. don't to post up the picture for the rappy nest
  6. sorry joined again my connection was acting weird again
  7. Zain, you might as well join us again. It was nice to try though.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7