Conversation Between Red_Sasori and ThePainMaker

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Dude if you get on some time hit me ok. theres no one left around since you mike and destin left
  2. Dude get xfire and look up losthope09 and dr.die, thats destin
  3. No not yet but the next time i play it i'll try to get some of the download missions. right now im playin monster hunter 2
  4. Hehe, nice. Have you taken advantage of those download missions yet?
  5. Hey my charactor in PSP is finally leval 52
    Been playin it on Destins PSP
  6. wow your Hopeless
  7. ...wth jordan, i thought you were talking about another mike i know on psu XD;;;
  8. So you mean to say you dont know a guy named jordan or destin
  9. Yeah, that's me. But, um...who told you any of this? :P
  10. not a personal friend of Mikes dude. We live like a 800 miles apart XP
  11. Hey Pain....sorry to say, but i dont remember who you are :<
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11