Conversation Between RegulusHikari and Dragwind

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Well we played a few matches, it was good fun. He even taught me something I didn't know about the up+b special, haha.
  2. Yeah, Jose got all fired up when I told him you use MK, he should be looking to play you soon. >_>
    But yeh, our crew plays SSBB every now and then so if you ever want to join up just let us know.
  3. I had no idea you replied until I looked at your profile, lol.

    Well thats interesting, I'll have to face Jose sometime since Meta Knight is the only character I've had some successful matches using aside from Samus and Link.
  4. Hel Yeh, Meta Knight.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4