Conversation Between Shou and beatrixkiddo

15 Visitor Messages

  1. *slaps*

    You should be actively playing on the JP servers.

  2. Hey look, the supplemental update is here. Going to slap me for not re-subscribing to PS2/PC?
  3. Oh, Bea. D:
  4. ¬¬ ( 5 characters :/ )
  5. Eww. A new MMO? If you are not back on PSU by the time we get supp, I will slap you.
  6. *dumps out lemonade and replaces with water* >:/
  7. You better get water in that cup or I'll have to break your fingers. No free soda mister
  8. *Orders* Ummm okay... I would like..... A Spicy Italian footlong on Italian Herbs and Cheese. Yes, I would like cheese. Provalone. Hmm, whats that? Toasted? Why the hell wouldn't I?!?! *Waits* No, not the works. I would like lettuce, onions, bell peppers, banana peppers, easy jalapeños, mayo, extra mustard, oil, salt n' pepper, and oregano. What? Combo meal? No thanks, just a cup for water and that will be it.
  9. Opps you are right! :O! New avvie! xD
  10. Thanks :P What do you mean "new siggy" though?
  11. Happy Birthday and new avvie!
  12. Hawt.
  13. I'm thinking of making Shou go topless for a day just for you!
    Edit: NM I found an old picture lol
  14. lol WTF is that?! I know that is not you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15