Conversation Between Bomber The Cosmonaut and Ken_Silver

3 Visitor Messages

  1. No complaints here. Good to see you back, man. You missed a lot. I have a PSP, so we can definitely meet up on PSP2. As for PSZ, I have that as well Its a really good DS game. Andd it is good to see Phantasy Star on all the consoles, but its nowhere near as good as PSU/PSP2. You should play it more. I'd play with ya. How far did you get?
  2. Hey, Bomber! How are you? I am hanging in there. I've been away from the site for a while, but I'll be back more often. I ordered Phantasy Star Portable and I look forward to finally being able to chill with the PSO-world community.

    Do you have a PSP? I hope so.

    I also have PS:Z, but I haven't beaten it or anything. lol. Hard to go back to the PSO style of ways after playing the customized avatars and fighting style of PSU.
  3. He lives!! How you been, man?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3