Conversation Between Pillar and Gunslinger-08

11 Visitor Messages

  1. I admit I've been terrible about checking things here as well. Do you have AIM, or are you on facebook?
  2. It's good to hear things are going well for you. I have been playing PSO BB in my spare time as well. Which, I don't have much of lately, but would you want to meet up? Do you want a different way to contact me? I don't check this regularly.
  3. Been great! I'm working the same summer camp gig that I had last year, and it's been absolutely amazing! As I'm sure you know, PSU PC/PS2 is long gone, and I'm only somewhat considering getting a PSP for PSP2. I've played a little PSO BB on the weekends when I have time off, but I've not done all that much. How about you?
  4. Hey, what's up!? I'm back from my tour and I just got my internet on. How have you been!?
  5. Hey man, hanging in there?
  6. Hey, fool. Looks like you're still kicking.
  7. I wish I could get paid to kick rocks... anyway, I'd figured you hadn't found a way to play, so no surprises there. Take it easy, but don't be lazy. That neck of the woods isn't famous for being friendly.
  8. how is work going?

    work is going easy, but i'm in afghanistan, no REAL internet access. its so limited its not even funny. obviously, no gaming. hence my absence. and its boring as hell here. it seems like all i do is kick rocks.
  9. Hey man, how's work going?
  10. Well hello thar, sir.
  11. hey
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11