Conversation Between Adriano and AC9breaker

9 Visitor Messages

  1. DOOD, IMA Vs. FIMBA tourniess wooop
  2. Oh, the last episode I saw, Pixie was pulverizing on moo while genki and co. were trying to ressurect phoenix, maybe that was the last episode? XD

    Yes! Hengars, and galis, and dragons FK YA.
    I had one of those dragons with the holo head, dude was sick, invisi-biting folks and what not.

    My favorite things to raise, were probably Zuums, I'd like to get every monster with Tiger sub cause I liked the horns and the blue/white patch work that followed. I wish there was some sick Tiger move he got...but sadly he didn't. And those uhh..snow dudes? Jills? W/e they were, they were awesome. Like a Big, smart Hare...with no speed. XD

    And I couldn't use the monster if the little ID pick looked funny. Cause then the npc monsters would have better headshots, and that shxt was not about to happen.
  3. Hells yeah dood. Didn't the TV show end on a cliff hanger?
    I remember I had a CD collection of monsters I liked and I would use them to breed.
    The CD's weren't even mine but I took them and kept them anyway haha. I don't remember too much about 3 but I know it wasn't too good and I didn't even know they had a 4.
    My favorite thing was taking a monster on a quest and finding stuff, or sending him to training camp.

    My favorite doods where Hengars, Durandals, Gali, Obelisk. Nothing could beat Gali Dragon breed with the holographic head. haha
  4. THAT SHOW WAS AWESOME, just sayin'.
    And 3, and 4 were pretty disappointing, I couldn't forgive them for destroying my favorite game.
    I can't play anymore, since I have no consoles...but I so would if I could. lol
    Those S grade Tournies were fun. Gettin' whomped on by Prometheus and Thanatos.
    Oh, and don't forget Kitty in Grade A, she made me ragequit a few times.
    Injuring all of my monsters, then they'd die...what a b**ch.
  5. Yeah dood! I personally thought it was the best one in the series. Wasn't too crazy about 3. They even had a cartoon series that I use to watch whenever it came on. Did you ever see it?
  6. WTf, I thought I was the only human who played monster rancher 2 (albeit ages ago) but still.
    that was fun
  7. Lol!! (`-`)/
  8. Thank you! You're making me blush like a school girl!

  9. OoH!
    Happy Birthday~
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