Conversation Between Metsume and Reia

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I agree, It's just about less than 2 days to go, and I'm sure opening up my schedule for the first week of it! I haven't decided on a ship yet but I'll sure be on it.
  2. Thanks for the friend request, Reia!
  3. Yeah, I heard about how it had mixed reviews and about the plot twist, which seems really interesting to me. It's a mind-changer, for sure.

    And Robman is the man! He AND Johnny are so passionate about their games. Even with his new-born recently being added to the family, he and Johnny were nice enough to take time out of their busy schedules and sign a small poster of the movie saying "Merry Christmas" with my name on it. And they were modest about it! I also have my brother-in-law to thank for surprising me with a present like that.

    I turned my brother-in-law on to Happy Console Gamer, and, apparently, he had been talking to Johnny for a while regarding that. I think he ended up sending Johnny a limited edition Transformers comic book in the end? If he did, I'm sure it was as a thank you and because he knew Johnny would be one of the few people to appreciate something like that.

    I really need to get to making a video response to Johnny. I've been meaning to for a while now to thank him and talk about all of the things I enjoy about the show and on everything I agree with him about. He also asked my brother-in-law to record the unopening of the poster, which he did, and I'm embarrased about, since I look like a tard, just frozen, staring at the half-opened frame for a good 10 seconds. lmao

    And I love Legends. If it weren't for Phantasy Star, Legends would definitely be my favorite series. So many fond memories of that game... I could gush about that game so hard and not many people would understand. hahah Was extremely disappointed that Capcom blamed the dedicated fanbase that it was our fault for "not being as involved" as they had wanted us to be. What kills me is that Inafune offered to finish the game, and Capcom denied giving him the rights to a game that they were no longer going to do anything with. But it is what it is, I guess.

    At least there's one highly anticipated game that IS going to make it. :)

    Here's to PSO2!
  4. Well I knew about him cuz I was a friend of Robman, since I'm also a big Classic and Legends Megaman Fan, and I also share the same idea that PSIII wasn't a great game but neither a bad game, I really liked the plot twist as well.
  5. I love Johnny Millenium! He is the man. hahah

    I, too, feel the same way he does about Phantasy Star.

    And Phantasy Star I is actually my favorite, very close to IV and II. :)
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