Conversation Between System-Id and Pwincess

11 Visitor Messages

  1. It's awsome. :P Pretty boring during the day.
    But fun at night when everyones on.
  2. Oh! The 360 side is as it always is. o.0 Dramatic and entertaining. How is the i've never tried world of warcraft >_<
  3. Lol Thanks.
    So How's psu on the 360 side?
  4. Have you sent your xbox 360 in to be fixed yet? It took about a week for mine to be fixed. Hopefully yours will be fixed quickly alsoo!
  5. Lol. Meh its okay i play WoW and psu when i dont have the hate for it. lol
  6. T____T I am so sorry to hear. It happened to me once... but never again! I'll make sure of it!! XD
  7. Meh my xbox got red ringed
  8. Super duper... ! Hewwo.
  9. xD Hello
    I went on random msg
    spree =3
    friends and random ppl hehe
  10. Lucky, YES!
  11. Sendin random tells!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11