Conversation Between ArmedesInf.X9000 and Volcompat321

7 Visitor Messages

  1. 21 weeks?! Jeez man what's going on?
    And yea I'll have some fun!
  2. Hey dude, to be honest this will be last day I can talk for 21 weeks, afaik....I beta see some char work :P NOW naw but 4 real I will try to let you know when i get on XBOX 360 if I can...If the king of the PSU CASTS isnt announced b4 hand :P newayz cyulater and have fun for me til then
  3. Haha, I'm working on it!
    I'll get it soon enough, old friend!
  4. Me too,

    Well u still beta get 2 accounts, or I might have to kid :P Ull have time and maybe we'll game again in the future that's my plan if they still got PSU when it slows down for me after RTC in NAvy. (The Xbox 360 route)

    Beta get to work :P u now how i game.
  5. Haha well I stopped playing when they announced the servers were shutting down, so I didn't even play much of the JP PSU, and I don't have an Xbox yet, so I couldn't play the 360 version either.
    But, I plan on going to the 360 version.
  6. Hey I remember you, I gamed w/you back in PS2/PC...How u doin? Beta be havin 2 accounts full of characters now on a server again:P or atleast when I am able to come back into my favorite MMO.

    TYVM for the birthday reply....
    Armedes(or Douglas atm )
  7. Happy birthday!
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