Conversation Between Volcompat321 and Zeek123

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sounds good to me!
  2. Oh wow. That should be fun. I've been waking up around 8 or so and getting on my PS3 9ish.
    We should game sometime.
  3. Actually, mine has too!
    I've been waking up really early, and going to bed around this time for a while.
    I'm going to Arizona for a week, so I wanted to train my body to be up around the early afternoon-ish time!
  4. Lol. I'm sorry man. I work all fucking day anymore, and don't get off until the wee hours of the night when everyone else is up and playing games. My hours have shifted to the day side of things.
  5. Not too much man, just hangin' out and whatnot, getting ready for bed.
    What are you up to?
    How've ya been?
    Call me sometime man, you be a stranger! :P
  6. Heya. What's up?
  7. Yo yo!
  8. Oh that's why I didn't get a reply; You replied on YOUR profile! Haha

    Nah, you weren't.
    At least you were being reasonable!
    It's all good though.
  9. Hey hey!
  10. It's all good.
    I was just messing with ya.
    I'll probably jump on the PS3 in a bit to check for messages.
    I was going to play some Battlefield, but I think the demo time is up or something.
    I couldn't find any games earlier, which is really weird. :/
    Anyway, I'll message you on the PS3 if I get on. I got the R4 card in the mail earlier today, so I've been trying some pretty sweet games!
    I downloaded Phantom Hourglass, and it's pretty awesome so far!
  11. Hey. I'm on my PS3 now. I'm gonna start up Star Ocean, so if you wanna get a hold of me, just send me a message on PSN. Sorry my phone died :/
  12. Haha yea, I know!
    And it's right next to my TV haha.
    I wont have too much time to play for the next two weeks or so anyway.
    This week, I'm helping my sister pack up, move her and her husbands shit in a truck, so they can move to Arizona.
    Then the 15th the family and I are driving up to Georgia to see my stepdads mom, it's her birthday.
    It'll be fun, but sucks I wont be able to do anything! :/
  13. I honestly don't know... You have to go to Tuscany (I think) to dye it those colors. It's the place that's all marshlands. And you have a laptop! lol
  14. Yea, it is pretty fucking awesome!
    Can it be dyed like all the other armors? Cause I need the two achievements for ebony and ivory.
    Also, that sucks, cause I don't have a printer lol.
    I'll figure it out though, eventually.
  15. Thanks
    I printed off an overhead map with all the feathers on it, and then used the game's custom marker to generically guess where they might be. <3 IGN's guides team.
    And isn't Altair's Armor badass? Makes your outfit black.
  16. I just checked out your trophies.
    100% on AC2 ALREADY!!
    I'm slowly playing..
    How the hell did you find all the feathers?
    I have 9 or so now.
    Also, I got Altier's armor now.
    It's nice!
  17. I would so play PSU....cept,..I cant.
  18. Yea, something like that.
    If you go to the second page of "Sponsership Round 2" you'll see the directions.
  19. Free... month?
  20. Yea, I know you wouldn't.
    I just thought we could take advantage of the free month or so.
    Check it out for a bit.
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