Conversation Between AOI_Tifa_Lockhart and SSephy21

9 Visitor Messages

  1. hey I just wanted to let you know the new link to the site is sorry I didn't tell you this sooner but I was busy, so yea. also I need your card again cause I made a new account this time for the year.
  2. ok I am here now waiting
  3. hiya,

    im buying some synth items with my alt Eden, wanna meet 4th floor uni 2 in say 5 mins? I'll meet you as Tifa

  4. ok I am here (online) where will you be at
  5. Hiya again,

    Philly is 4 hours behind, so it'd be about 2pm your time

    See you soon

  6. ok, idk what time is that here in Philly, but I will be on the 4th floor of the colony all day ok so just meet there uni 2. and welcome to the guild if you have any friends that likes to join too plz take them with you here ok, later and have fun. will be waiting.
  7. Hiya again,

    Aw thats cool I was worried it was a 360 clan for a second lol, although i did ponder maybe getting PSU for 360, but i'd be far too addicted to PSU if I did I fear :P

    I'll be online tonight from 6pm GMT onwards, i'll drop you a message when i get online so we can meet

    Thanks for all the info

  8. hello, yes the guild is for both PS2/PC and 360 cause I have them both if your a PS2/PC your cool if you did joined if not join now if you can, if you did join I looked at the app already and I may need your card in-game let me know when you like to meet.
  9. Hiya,

    Thankyou for the add. I was wondering if you know know how I hear from the guild I just applied for? Is it by email?

    Eeek i don't think I actually asked, are Mercenaries of Light PC/PS2 clan or 360? If its the latter I might not be able to join


Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9