Conversation Between GJARE and DieannaKill

10 Visitor Messages

  1. THANKS!
  2. Sure sorry if that was a late reply
  3. Would you mind voting for me if you please?
  4. ah nuuuuuuuuuuu ;_;, ah wall.
  5. if it ever becomes free i would but we know that wont hapen. So never again xD
  6. oh so you mean your not going to play psu anymore? D: nuuuu
  7. lol i got a PS3 so i been playing that mostly and i cant afford to subscribe to psu again haha. To bad all the good stuff happened right after my account expired -_-
  8. I havent seen you around in a long time o.o what hapened to you? , but anyways thanks GJARE
  9. haha sure good luck on that :P
  10. I Dont know if you have a PSU forums account but would you please vote for me? Its me Miray
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10