Conversation Between Onisia and Seth Astra

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Just a recommendation: Try getting a Femini soul, and feeding that to your mag. Looks sweet.
  2. Hey, I got my FOnewearl's mag to lvl 100. I'm hitting much higher than before now. It's fun having 100 mind.
  3. Ah. Okay. When you do get on, just tell me. I finally have my drive to play PSZ back.
  4. Are you able to go online right now? I'm not doing anything, so I could join you.
  5. I've added your friend code in PSZ. Hopefully we'll be able to play.
  6. Ah... SH Paru... Got a sweet morgenlote there out of pure luck. Wasn't even looking for it. But yeah, Paru's by far my favorite area to run for some reason.
  7. Hey, next time I pull out PSZ, wanna do some runs?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7