Conversation Between Tails_night and blyr

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Lol yeah... I see what you mean. i can't wait for mine... and at the same time I can. I found out my grandfather died on sunda, but i was ordering PS:P friday night/saturday morning around 12:00 am, and between those two times the doctors predict thats when my grandfather died. So i know the game will be an emo trip when i receve it... but at the same time I'll be excited to be back in the stream again.
  2. Used to play PSO ep1&2 on the xbox back in the day, play PSU (Seppuku) &obv. PS:P.. (well, I don't get it until tommorow morning when the UPS truck gets here, but yeah. >_>)
  3. Cool lol. So what sort of PS games do you play and what are your characters?
  4. Yeah, I'm everywhere~ ;D
  5. You wouldn't happen to be the same Blyr from Gamefaqs would you?
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