Conversation Between Cherri420 and ArcaneAngelz of MOL

10 Visitor Messages

  1. no I can see it but its just to small I was thinking bigger like if you seen the banner I have on the guildlaunch of sonic thats what I mean to make it big so that it can show what it says cause I couldn't see what it was saying but ok thanks anyway.
  2. If those banners that I sent u r not working then u should probably get someone else to do them, cuz that the best that I can do. Sorry...
  3. ok, I will be on all day today so just send it to me by email ok thanks.
  4. I hav the banners for the site but Idk how to give them to u. Guess I;ll try to send them by email.
  5. its cool, I will see you when you get on then.
  6. I will be getting on psu late today
  7. yea it is I will look at it now. thanks for joining.
  8. I filled out the application... Is that the same as joining the guild?
  9. yea you can join it, just go to this link here: and look on the left side of the home page click on the Membership name "Join the Light" that will take you to where you can do the app to join. We can meet in-game when your on let me kno alright

    or just click on this link:
  10. Hey can I join ur guild? I can't seem to figuer out how to do it on the website.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10