Conversation Between Evicous and kirtblue

11 Visitor Messages

  1. sweet dude show over already?
  2. Yep it is. And I am adding you to my friend list right now.
  3. crazy i didnt know arizona was on mountain time i figured you be in canada or washington
  4. Oh. I'm in Arizona.
  5. in the group you said you are on mountain time was just curious
  6. Where am I... at? What does that even mean?
  7. welcome to our club
    dude whare are you at?
  8. Oh don't worry it isn't you personally. More... your general lack of punctuation. It can really change what you are trying to say some times.
  9. np anytime man
  10. Yep yep, thank you for the warm welcome.
  11. what he said welcome to pso world
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11