Conversation Between FeiRayne and CAMPSO

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I eventually want to learn how to draw. But i've heard so many times that drawing real life is better to do then start out drawing manga or something like that. Thanks for the advice
  2. Oh uhh...I honestly don't know? I been drawing for a super long time, ever since I was a kid. It really didn't start picking up until my late teens though. A lot of my earlier works were basically copies of other artwork that has been done; like uhh...think tracing but not tracing, just redrawing a picture by just looking at it. Of course I never took credit when it came to pictures like that, I always showed the reference for it.

    I never really took drawing classes while in school, though I did take an anatomy art class during college. While honestly drawing things realistically I super suck at, it really helped my overall style for proportions and things. Honestly the best thing you can do is just keep drawing and drawing; if you love it enough and keep at it eventually it will grow into something all your own. There have been long periods of time when I haven't drawn and I wish I could go back and change that, but what's done is done.

    There are a lot of artists that I have seen on the net that many would not think their work is all that great, but they never stop and just keep on doing what they love. Slowly getting better all the time; and those people I honestly admire and respect. =3
  3. Hey FeiRayne. Just wondering how did you learn to draw so good?
  4. Haha, awesome! I was wondering why I never saw you online my side. Looking forward to playing with ya when time permits! =3
  5. Hello FeiRayne!!! I added you on PSZ. Hope to play with you sometime!!!
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