Conversation Between ARChan and NotRankin

85 Visitor Messages

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  1. I shall read it in a few. :3
  2. OwO

    So, have you checked out my fanfic yet?
  3. Stalk
  4. Added another entry to the fanfic Sorry it took so long. Also, let me know what choice you went for :3
  5. No cause you said we can't go and read the other choices if we wanted to keep the story experience :3
  6. Ooh. Interesting. Have you checked out the other choices? You don't have to, and considering the fanfic stunt I pulled, it is going to be a while until I get a new chapter in. In other words, I deviated heavily from the original plan for the fanfic
  7. I wanted to see what happens when Calai took a path she isn't used to :3
  8. Hmm~<3

    I'd like to ask why you chose this >w<
  9. I guess xD. It was the one where she refused to kiss her. Yea choice B.
  10. Hmm... Choice B?
  11. The one where I refuse her xD
  12. What choice did you go for?
  13. Finally read it, I loved the choice part
  14. XD Take your time.
  15. Will do :P

    Gotta remember where I was at lol...
  16. Added a new twist to the fanfic. You'll see what it is ^_^

    Also, let me know what choice you went for :P
  17. *poke* HI lol I've been so busy this past week, things seem to be normal now ;-; Looking forward to reading the new posts!
  18. Updated my fanfic again :3
  19. Take your time :3
  20. Sorry for late response, had a few things come up ;-;

    And sure, but I gotta read the new entries x3
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