Conversation Between Jyasupa and ~Aya~

41 Visitor Messages

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  3. LOOOOL I'll do that next time someone talks to me xD
  4. If someone tries to talk to you, listen but do not say anything until they expect an answer.. at which point you just make a random animal sound. Then laugh. :>
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!! ( ̄(エ) ̄)ゞ
  6. nope I didn'ttt LOL
    but I did the day after XD
  7. YUUUUUUTAAAAN... Did you get drunk on the day of giving thanks?
  8. oyo u there
  9. am always on aim and check this place for messagesssss~ lol
  10. streaming FFX-2 and stuff.. but it slows down here and there ; ;.. so I stopped doing it. D</.. I think you were like... MIA or something D:......... ; ;
  11. wat were you streaming
    n why wasnt i invited ; ;
  12. i beat the game long time ago ~ oh wait... 13-2? LOOOL.. never played ; ;...
  13. oyo you got ffxiii-2?

    spoilers: ending sux XD
  14. LOOOOOL.....

    I so.. did not mean that! Ahaha!!!♥♡♥♡
  15. miss u 2 oyo xoxo but ur not unique ok
  16. I miss Yutan more~! D:.........
  18. /poke

    Um... welcome back to community ya lil trouble maker 8D
  19. Oyo they sell web money cards at seven eleven I'm so screwed
  20. v okay rock thats hella hentai doe LOL
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 41
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