Conversation Between Vintasticvin and Sara-hime

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oooo sure go right ahead and flood my boz whenever xD Yer more than welcomed send screenshots :3
  2. I think I sort of got the hang of PS4 picture taking. But the last command has to be the new /uioff and then I have to hit share a second before the pose I'm after happens. So I have to get REALLY familiar with the Lobby Actions now. I can PM you a few examples of you want.
  3. Ugh yeah taking pics on vita while ingame is a pain >_> I've been trying to take pictures while I'm playing Digimon to share with others that care about it. And no worries I get your situation and stuff :3 Since the rp fall out I've been slowly drifting away from pso2 and getting into other things but I still pop in long enough to let celestial know I still want to be part of their team xD And to see how Aria's guild is doing along with other things but Im not as social or active as I used to be. Not sure I'll be doing tell a tale 3 this year... if I do its going to be the third year in a row I did it.
  4. I see! When you put it that way....I really have been slacking off with my picture posts! >_<
    Not to say I haven't taken any pics lately. I use the PS4 client for its performance over my laptop (but still update that and the Vita versions), but I haven't found it any better than PC or even Vita when it comes to picture taking. The built in screenshot shortcut takes a while to kick in and there's no options that I can find to take UI less screenshots unless you do the new chat command. @_@
  5. Of course I do YOU ARE my screenshot/fashion pupil after all! >_> And yeah I don't post as much as I used to maybe a few pictures and crude remarks from time to time.
  6. Uwaaaaaaaa! I wasn't expecting that, ha ha! Miss me? ^_^
    Ironically, I was seeing if you were on these past few days.
  7. Saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaqawaaAaaaaaasssaAASS SSSSSSAAaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD
  8. Ohhh man she just got a MAJOR overhaul last night and you might not actually believe its Vin when you see her xD

    =] Thanks Rabbs so have yours
  9. I see. It's not dissimilar to an artist refining his or her "style" in a way.
    So what is the #1 thing about Vin that your going to revise?
    She has come a long way as it is, so I'm interested to see how far her design will go!
  10. Blah, and yes I do like their new looks. I plan on re editing vin soon.
  11. Awww, I'd love to! But alas...I always seem to have work on the most inopportune weekend days....

    And you really like Rabbie and Elu's new looks?
  12. YOU MUST PARTICIPATE IN THAT CONTEST!!! XD Just kidding if you can't make it no biggie, :P Would be nice though And New Rabs and Elu look great too!
  13. XD bwa ha ha haa
  14. It's pretty bare right now. I never did have much furniture to begin with! ^_^;
    It's a work in progress...much like my rooms on PSO2 come to think of it!
  15. Ohhh nice :3 Hows the new place like?
  16. All moved in minus a few food items.
    Still need some furniture though like a dresser and something to put these 3 CRTs on (for my retro consoles/Dreamcast & 360) ^_^;
  17. Insane but awesome xD Hows it been Rabbs? Me I'm down and out waiting for my laptop to come back from the repair shop so I'm just exploring other things in the meantime and stuff. Been keeping in touch with certain people but its all good :P
  18. Although according to this thread

    The servers are still up ^_^;
  19. Well first I have to find my US linked PSP. I moved so it's all packed up somewhere.....
  20. That's a good question! :O
    I'd check myself, but I need to rip PSP2 to my memory stick.
    I'll try later if it hasn't been answered already. ^_^
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