Conversation Between NeonaPulsar and Ryo

5 Visitor Messages

  1. We will see! I got a bit of HW i need to get done first, but i shall see what time i finish so i can play.

    ATM, I have been SEVERLY enjoying my new techs and questing as a force for the COs.
  2. Haha, I'll be on again tonight. Your hunter and my fighter can do some serious damage!
  3. I have not seen you in, what... (counts fingers..) 7,8,.. uh. I haven't seen you in hours. :P
    We can talk about that team again when Anna is able to play again.
  4. Hey Neona! Are you still around? Been looking for you for a few days! Would love to have you on my team!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5