Conversation Between DoctorShanks and Gunslinger-08

12 Visitor Messages

  1. I took notice of your return. Welcome back

    Yup. This Friday. I really just hope people remember.
  2. Hi Doc,

    In case you missed it, I'm back, and planning on making this Friday's revival. (It's this Friday, right?)
  3. Thanks Doctor. I just wanted to make sure it was taken care of before I got started working. The first two weeks are for training alone. I'll definitely be by the group page to drop a line or maybe find a group to play with if I have the time.

    Again, thanks!
  4. Don't worry, I got your message. I didn't respond earlier because I couldn't think of anything to say other than, "Okay."

    Good luck to you though. You'll be Grey Locked for the Summer.
  5. Once again, my scatter-brained-ness gets the best of me. While I'm telling you this, I must let you know that the job I'm picking up for the summer has me working 6 days a week, being on call 24 hours on those days.

    So I'd like to remain a part of the group just so I can connect with other players or for the off chance that my day off coincides with a scheduled revival. Unfortunately, I'm probably not going to be able to make many of them this summer, if any.
  6. When you said, "you can't make the revival this saturday" did you mean Friday? Just trying to confirm since the revival is actually scheduled for 20 minutes from now. Either way, if you don't show up you'll be excepted so don't worry.
  7. Happy Birthday =)
  8. Totally in.
  9. I've actually resorted to recruiting through PM's

    Would you be interested in joining the next revival which I plan to start tomorrow?
  10. Hey, the FC of mine you got is outdated. Here's the right one: 0304 0927 4660
  11. Sweet! I'll add you once I dig my copy of PSZ out from under the pile on my desk.
  12. Just thought I'd let you know that I've added you on PSZ. Hope to see you online sometime soon.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12