Conversation Between DoctorShanks and AdmiralPit

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I do like durability, and not dying super fast.
    And um, thanks! >//<
  2. :O That's a lot of HP... you might wanna consider re-working yor materials for higher damage output; Jellen makes you sort of invincible anyway, hehe.

    Oh, and Happy Birthday to you!
  3. I'm jealous sometimes, and I must say for me, my cute FOmar is kinda decent, despite not having a Zero Cane (angelic purposes), and much Tech compared to many other FO, but he sure has quite a bit of HP, a bit over 800.
  4. Heyy~
    Forces are awesome.

    Yes, it's a pretty signature. Mysticale is a fully optimized FOmarl, with the only exception being her slightly imperfect Lv4 Celeb 15/0/0/0/40 Alice Olivia. (PS Zero)
  5. Pretty sig! And hey, a fellow FO >_<
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