Conversation Between DoctorShanks and Nymeria

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Donezo. If you ever want back in, we have your information saved in a secondary list.
  2. No thank you. I haven't played Pokemon in a while, and online battles aren't something that I feel like doing any time soon. Not in the mood for it.
  3. And now that I think about it, since I have a ds compatible wifi up and running again, maybe we should play Pokemon sometime. Hehe. I have a few guys I want to test against people that aren't my brother, and I don't feel like playing against the Smogon peoples.
  4. Okay. We'll have your information stored in a seperate sheet on the members list in case you ever wanna play again.
  5. Hi Doctor,

    I had planned to re-join in the activity when I eventually regain interested in playing PSZ again, but it won't likely happen for a while. Please remove me from the group.
    Thank you.
  6. Hey Nymeria.

    Was just wondering if by any chance you had any plans to come play with us again. I'm doing a routine cleanup of the group, and I'd like to shorten the inactive player count as much as possible. What I'm saying is I'd like to remove you from the group, but I would like to do so with no hard feelings. Please try to respond within 24 hours, thank you
  7. thanks!!
  8. Happy Birthday Nymeria ^_^
  9. Unfortunately, that 11.5k took a whole 11 months to achieve. If we can get 11.5k in 10 months, then great, but that's the reason why so many people are upset that the group was deleted: the post count.

    We will keep it around for a while, but if the group goes into a complete shut-down (rest), then I would be doubtful that a reawakening would be do-able. If I ever need a rest (and given my current situation, it is more likely to be now than ever), I will probably pass lead over to LuneFox, or to anyone else who can prove themself. So, there isn't a lot to worry about I don't think
  10. hehe nice job starting the 2nd revival group. I'm sure we'll be up and beyond our 11.5k post count again in no time. Hopefully with the new revival group we can keep it around indefinitely, sharing leadership around if ever needed or letting the group go into a resting state if we need a break, so that it wont have to be started all over again from scratch XD

    Considering the success revivals had up until the cancelled squirmy tentacles revival (with up to and over 20 people showing up) I think this new group should do well.

    EDIT: Also, it's great to hear back from you!
  11. They just deleted it like an hour before your post X_X

    Windy didn't want to play anymore, and neither did AtBHR so they decided to delete it. I'm thinking of reuniting it in a little bit if I can gather interest. Though I'm not entirelly sure if I'll have the energy to do it. I certainly have the time though.

    EDIT: I now have a thread up

    EDIT2: And it's really great to hear from you again . . . thanks
  12. Hiya Doctor. Hope all has been well.

    I can't seem to find the PSZ Revival Group. Do you know where it went?
  13. Hehe, the first time I hit my delay, I realized the stats were wrong because my DS offset by one second... which I probably should have known by then x3

    But yeah, I've also noticed that when I try to sync EonTimer with the DS clock, sometimes the DS clock wont make its first tick for like half a second. So I kept restarting until I heard the tick at the same time I press Enter (I found the mouse was unreliable because letting go of a button at the same time as pressing it screwed with my mind quite a bit). Kind of makes me wish I had access to save states... but not really because I was able to do it without them once. Dream Balls are very very pretty.
  14. Nah, no good tips sorry... I find that sometimes I'll hit the time perfectly and it wont work because of the DS to game clocks unsynchronize randomly by a second or two. Best thing to do is just keep trying and hope the clocks sort themselves out sometime soon (they normally do). It can be a pain.
  15. So, guess what I managed to do last night.

    I decided I would finally try to RNG that Entralink Arceus with no previous experience of hitting Delays from previous generations. It was fine for a few hours... learned a few things, and raged a little. One hour into the battle, I finally hit my Delay (31/1/31/31/31/31) then I check its nature. Quiet. Garbage. Two hours into the battle, I hit Impish, twice, then Calm. Then 3 hours later, Timid. On the 5th hit! I honestly thought I would be doing this for weeks.

    Hmm, might you have any tips at all to not be 1 or 2 off your Target Delay 80% of the time? Do you have any success stories? I'd like to hear
  16. If you don't find yourself missing a lot when using Magical Sign, then I would say to use the guard build.

    Larg is pretty. Good luck with raising one.
  17. Hi!

    I have a Force specific question for you. :3
    What is more useful on a Force: Hit or Guard?

    I ask because I want to make a Larg for fun.
    Using Chaos' guide:

    I am considering the following final Larg build options:

    0 Power
    21 Guard
    21 Hit
    58 Mind
    ...using Chaos' method... this is the highest mind stat possible on a Larg. It needs hit and guard at 21 in order to remain a Larg.


    0 Power
    50 Guard
    1 Hit
    49 Mind
    This is the highest Mind stat possible with lowest Hit stat possible on a Larg. This is if Forces appreciate Guard a lot more than Hit...

    Again, I'm making this Larg for fun and aesthetics, but I do want it to still be useful, though it can't be as powerful as my 100 Mind Femini. I haven't been a Force for long enough to have much opinion on hit for a force or guard for a force. Any advice is appreciated!

    EDIT: the only time I can think of that Hit could be useful on a Force is when using a slicer... since to me it doesn't seem like I ever miss with Techniques even on super hard. I haven't been playing a Force for as long as you though. :3
    I guess if I went with the first mag stat build I could use the Larg for Slicers. Does this sound like the best option?
  18. Awh, oh well. I've got to prepare for when my parents get home soon, so I'll be offline for the next little while. See you soon~
  19. Hey I just got d\c'd 3 times in a row in quick succession... thinking my router is acting up or something... you guys continue on your run :3

    I might try to join again later ♥
  20. Yeah, thats what I think I'm gonna do instead. I've already bred a flawless Adamant Female Oshawott and was wondering what my brother was thinking :U

    Anyway, everything's finished. At the moment, my team is half NU/RU, so I'm hoping to split it eventually and maybe test it on Pokemon Online before I continue.
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