Conversation Between goldwing and Ferria

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. Omg!!! Happy birthday!!!!
  2. *reaches into own pocket and pulls out a moon atomizer then uses it* LIVE!!!!!!
  3. Whuuuuuut... nuu cries over mai dead body!! D8 ... mewr!! You... you has to resurrect me!!!! 8D!!
  4. *gasps* *holds in arms* nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! You were our only hope for a better brighter tommrow *crys over your dead body*
  5. Not really >< I MISS THE GAME! D; .. I miss all of youuuuuuuuuu!! *dies*
  6. Lol u ok now???
  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ><
  8. Ahaha yeah.. same here, I'm brain dead and bored to death.. -_-
  9. Lol so will i. Iv been looking at my screen shots more and more. I even play the forest music when i look at it. Lol back to the fan art with me lol
  10. YESH!! Same here XD I look forward to it too and I am definitely gonna be super hyper once it's back up and live! Pre-Open Beta.. wuuhuu!!!
  11. a few weeks to many!!!! but ya know what? i look fowerd to that party!!!!!!!!! wootness
  12. Okie and hey! Few more weeks and we get to partaaaaaay!! <3
  13. Lol no its ok its pretty cool
  14. Hahahah!!! Yea, I tend to have my own Ferria-Language.. don't mind me XDDD
  15. Emoing??? Didnt know it had a verb now. Why nit look for funer games? Then again anything i play just isnt the same only thing iv got that really kills time is work.... ugh!!!
  16. Mewr.. okie o3o .. And meh, emo-ing at a corner and playing random boring games is what I've been doing aside from work :/
  17. O ik ik... wait never mind....IM GOING TO DIE!!!!!!! All i have left are my cbt pics and im also planning out what im wanting to do gear wise. I have a general idea so im planning now ill modify it when the time comes
  18. Yeah!! T^T ..... I sooooooo wanna play! OTL ..
  19. O y not. -dances with- its to bad we wont get any news for pso2 anytime soon :\
  20. *dances to I Will Survive and Eye Of The Tiger* ... Fweeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~ \O/
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