Conversation Between DeadInside and TheFantasticGarden

18 Visitor Messages

  1. You know, it's kind of annoying, always seeing you on my "last 10 visitors" box. Stop stalking my page already, i'd like to see that one extra visitor who checked out my page, over some stalker guy filled with some strange sense of duty to wipe my blood all over the floor.

    Seriously, if you only go on just to stalk me, why bother signing on? Sure, you may "Sign on for a little just to check your pm", but i highly doubt that.

    And it's good that you FINALLY decided to ignore me. Now take it all the way, and stop creeping on my friends and my page, and go play minecraft, or something cool like that.
  2. So i see you're creeping on mah friend's pages
  3. What was i supposed to be doing on this page again?
  4. Still going on about hurting me, i see. The threats just never end! What am i to do? Cower in fear? I think not. And it's quite entertaining to see your repeated threats and insults-- i just can't get tired of them! You're giving me exactly what i want which is quite silly of you, really. Isn't that the whole point of a troll? To get a specific reaction from the trollee? Well, keep it coming! I can just sign on whenever and get a good laugh out of all this. Seriously.

    coup de grace?
    Grow up.
    ^ ^ ^ ^
    please respond like you would to this, it would really make my day(s) a whole lot better.

    Oh, and as for the whole psychiatrist deal, if you told them about your murderous intent toward me, i'm sure the outcome would be the same for you. Although you may have a legit reason to be mad at me(which i indeed acknowledge as "fair"), it still wouldn't stop them from restraining you, Right?
    Or rather than just restrain you, i'm sure there's some other stuff as well(not that i particularly know or care about)


    Oh-- and one last thing
    I know it's around 90, but...
    Rule#93; The internet is a lie
    Rule#94; don't believe Rule#93
    And... rule#95; don't believe rule#94--owait.
    I can't remember the particular order, though, which is pretty funny since i once knew the many rules of the 'net.

    Casual talk for the win.

    Well, casual for me.

    I like green grapes.

    Because they're sour.

    Like you.

    It just makes me want to keep picking on them.

    If i don't pick them for a while.

    They turn purple.

    And have a mellow, bitter taste.

    So i have to pluck them when it's right.
  5. I'm doing MORE than "living it up", i have the greatest life i could wish for!
    Having almost no care in the world, doing things at my own pace, yet still succeeding in life, i'd say i've achieved enlightenment!
  6. XD is correct
    I lol'ed at the message you sent me

    And exactly, no one cares anymore, so i can choose to post on your page or send a private message. I find going to a page easier. Less links to click on.

    Now excuse me while i make sprites...
  7. Turn them down, huh? So i guess you plan to stay the way you are forever? If the military oh-so accepted you saying you did just fine, why not take the responsibility? At least then, you'll have some place in the world. I've already found mine, so why don't you just take a chance? Then again, i guess you're still either lazy or just afraid. I know it's a big world, and no matter how much we try, we'll just be a one person; nothing significant.

    And also, look who's changed his own opinion! You finally said you're a psychopath! guess what? That means i've successfully gotten to your head! My job completed myself and i didn't even put too much effort into it! Know why? You're overreacting to all my statements. I guess all these sick plans of stalking me has finally taken over you.

    See? I DO attract both sexes! I'm just THAT awesome. Heh, awwwwwww, now you're gonna think of me even more! That's just so sweet! Although, i'm not into guys, so sorry, i'm gonna have to turn you down. Anyhow, i gotta get back to watching Clannad.

    Catch ya' later.
  8. Actually, i think it's silly as well, the fact that you boast about how you're sooooo tough and how you have better weapons(it's not like i need any). If you're so tough, you wouldn't need weapons or tools of some sort to inflict pain. Ever thought of that? Also, why don't you just join the military? I'm sure they would accept someone as tough as you are in a heartbeat! Not only that, if you serve your time there, you'll get a college grant! Something you really need!
  9. What kind of an idiot would give his or her address away?
  10. Anyways, you can kill me, and i can kill you.
    But personally, i'm not ready to die just yet, i have my entire future set, and i'm not about to let it go. I'm already studying and getting prepared for what i want to be, and i'm not even in college yet.

    And besides, now it's just starting to be really pathetic the fact that all you can really say is how you can kill me with your shotgun or whatever sort of gun you use, and frankly, it's quite saddening. I saw so much promise in you, so why don't you just forget about this and move on? I certainly am and have moved on(i don't dwell on the past too much, especially if it's from one of my "projects")

    By the way, my christmas was terrific, and i know my new year's will be terrific as well. Good day.
  11. Still an e-tough guy.

  12. HOORAY!
    Even if this message is moderated, who cares?
    You'll still see this, and this is pretty much what you are after all those threats about hurting me and making me feel pain!
  13. "i wont bother arguing with ya anymore. your just a pathetic waste. you really should be glad idk anything about you in rl. because it would greatly satisfy me to brutally stab you to death take care" - Quote DeadInside, via Private message

    If you say you won't bother arguing with me, then why'd you respond?
    C'mon... i thought you'd be smarter than to respond to a troller!
  14. As for everything you've said about me, more people support my actions rather than dislike it.
    Aside from statistics, I honestly don't care what people think of who i am. I would never give my real name out in the net, i just pick a common name. Anyways, point is, You FELL for my antics! No matter what you say or do, just know that you asked a g.i.r.l(guess what that is!) out, and got obsessed♪

    Sure, sure, say what you want, but as i've stated above, you'll ALWAYS know i wrecked you.

    Thanks for playing along with my little mind games; your receipt
    Successfully trolled........... 0.00$
    Successfully "Dated"......... 0.00$
    Caused Emotional Damage........ 0.00$
    Being the 52nd person who fell for my tricks, priceless

    Thanks for the business& feedback, it was quite enjoyable
  15. Great to be back, no?
  16. No, I wouldn't mind that, i just have a more specific reason to doing as i did.
    What it is, is nothing of your concern. If you say i have multiple accounts, why don't you start calling "me" out on it? try scoping ME out. But, you certainly have no leads to do so. If you randomly say "hey, i know you're TheFantasticGarden",
  17. I have my reasons.
  18. Glad to know, glad to know
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18