Conversation Between Atbar and Gunslinger-08

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry about that. Router's still being a problem. See you tomorrow.
  2. Uh....not seeing online in PSZ. I'm going to bed now so this will have to wait.
  3. Ok, see you online.
  4. Alright. I'll try to catch you tomorrow, early afternoon. My work shift starts at 3:30 pm CST.

    But I'll go ahead and log on now to be safe.
  5. Well, if you want, we can get online right now and I can give the Blue Danube to you if you're not busy.

    Add-on: If tonight doesn't work for you, I am going to be around all day tomorrow. I am going to be really busy during the week so we can't get on to trade tomorrow, then we'll have to do it at the next revival.
  6. Great! I was at work until half an hour ago, so sorry if I left you hanging. When will you be around during the next few days?
  7. Hey, Gatz. Joni gave the Blue Danube to me but I don't really want it and she says it okay if I give it to you so I'm going to let you have it. I'm going to be AFK right now so you're going to have to wait until I get back later or another time to get this weapon from me.
  8. Thanks dude. I got it all straightened out.
  9. In the User CP, if you go to Edit Options, one of the options there is to have the forum time reflect your time zone. I thought I'd like you know that.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9