Conversation Between Atbar and Ken & Robo

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  1. Alright then. Well, it's great to hear you've been doing well. As for me, I'm currently back home for a two-week break ever since the end of my second term at school.

    I'm also glad to hear that Windancer is finally feeling better now.
  2. Been well. I've been busy with other things. I have a piece of vunerable information I don't want to make public yet so I'm going to PM it to you.
  3. Hey, AtBHR. How have you been during your hiatus? I've also heard a while ago that you've decided to get in contact with Windancer and it's been confirmed that he has fully recovered now.
  4. I'm going to go do something else so I can wait for the response to your PM.

    Pokemon Diamond is the last Pokemon game that I have played. I remember playing that constantly one winter back in 2008. I eventually defeated the Elite Four and then I became bored of the games. I feel outnumbered by Pokemon fans on PSO-World. It seems like almost everyone who plays PSZ loves Pokemon and I see it being brought up a lot on the PSZ-R group page.

    Yeah, I agree that PSZ is practically out the door at this point. I feel the 3DS having backwards compatibility with DS games is probably what's contributing to it remaining on life support at this point. I have actually wanted to retire from PSZ around last November to December but then Windancer got sick and you know the rest of the story.
  5. Yeah, I agree there's plenty of things in Pokemon now that has made me retire from it. When I was playing 3rd generation Pokemon games (Ruby and Sapphire, FireRed and LeafGreen, and Emerald), I used to like the game quite a lot and invested hours into it (more than on PSZ), but by the time the 4th generation Pokemon games rolled by (Diamond and Pearl, and then onward), I REALLY disliked how things changed, and immediately retired from Pokemon. My biggest gripe about Pokemon games now is that so many Pokemon are much more imbalanced, especially the newer legendary Pokemon. Some of them were so ridiculously overpowered, it wasn't even funny. I'm not even freaking kidding by the fact that that alone completely turned me and my big brother off from the newer Pokemon games. The concept of EV's was OK, but IV's certainly drove me and my big brother nuts. Breeding like 300 Beldums in hopes of getting one with a Hasty Nature and Speed and Attack IV's as close to 31 was something my big brother will never forget wasting hours of his life on, and to worsen things up, he never managed to get one Beldum that satisfied all the above conditions.

    It would be great to have more members in the group who were more active and contributed to group activity. Sadly, it seems like it's very rare for that to occur now, and sadly, I don't see this occurring anytime soon. PSZ is nearly dead already, and when PSO2 comes by, I'm sure a grand majority of active users on PSOW will be playing that game (myself, Eclipse, and a few other friends included) for a long time, and for all I know, PSZ will be pretty much history by then.

    (I'll respond to your PM later. I'm busy playing Minecraft =P)
  6. Don't worry about your late response. I wasn't expecting a response at a drop of a hat. Yeah, I used to play Pokemon and I could easily write a novel on why the franchise is a bunch of garbage nowadays. For starters, I think the invisible IV and EV's is stupid, the fact that's 10+ years later and Pokemon still can't do more than four moves in game while I've seen pokemon in the anime do over 10 moves in a battle, the forced having to trade with others to catch them all (at least with wifi, it's more doable without resorting to cheating devices or buying a second handheld with the version of the other game), the anime doesn't follow the game's rules at all and it's gotten so stale to watch nowadays (isn't it about time Ash retired and have a new character do these things he's been doing for 10+ years now?), having to go to special events that's out of the way for most people to get rare pokemon and items, and so on and so forth. At least with PSZ, you can find everything on your own but it does take a great deal of time to do so unfortunately.

    Yeah, the average lifespan does apply to members in the revival group as well. I honestly would want more members to be more active in the group. I'm not saying everyone should be playing PSZ 24/7 but it would be nice if more and more people join up actually play longer than the average lifespan of a day to a month.
  7. (Sorry for the late responses. )

    Bleh, Freeplay hackers. I feel so glad I've never played on Freeplay on PSZ once. I am pretty against cheating and glitches on games like these. The only time I utilize cheat codes is on a few games where it is inconvenient as hell or even impossible to get certain items, which neither requires actual commitment for grinding or contains a lot of fulfillment, compared to games like the PSO series. The only example for me is Pokemon, where it becomes a real problem when a legitimate build you want to make requires a one-time-get item (i.e. a Dragon Claw TM), and when accessing certain areas that aren't possible to access, unless you're willing to go travel to the US to enter a real-life building to receive a necessary item to do so. >_>

    I did see that this average lifespan does apply to plenty of members in the Revival group. It is extremely annoying with those who join, and then never play one run of PSZ or even post on the group page. It feels like it's even more rare to see newcomers who will actually stay for more than a month and try to make a commitment to group activity. I almost feel like I'm from a rare species of players who is actually quite active during my times in the Revival group. =P
  8. One other thing, people who keep coming and going has been a problem with PSZ since the beginning. Even if the game was a ton more active when it was new, people still dropped out of it quickly. The average lifespan of a PSZ player is a day to a month, and it'll go to a month if lucky.
  9. Yeah, I'm not expecting PSO2 to be hacker free....for the moment. I do expect Sega to do something to step up their game. Windancer, who is a PSO vet, has mentioned all the things hackers did in that game. The one that came off as the most annoying were people were running a program that would crash the game while online. Windancer then claimed you needed a Gameshark to get around it. At least with PSZ, the most hackers I see is on the Freeplay. If anyone in the group do any hacks, I can ban them outright for it.

    PSP2 was supposed to have a code you get when you bought the hardcore (if you downloaded it from the PSN store, you didn't need that code) so only those who paid for their copies can come online. And then I've read about Sega do looking into hackers on the JP version of the game whereas people in the NA are so afraid of playing with those they don't know because they could leave the game at level 0 or level 200.
  10. Ugh, I would hate to imagine how many hackers will roam PSO2 when it comes out. Hopefully, SEGA will do something about limiting the abundance of hackers this time. Not to mention, it seems like you aren't the only one though who believes the online for PSP2 is disastrous with the large abundance of hackers.

    I don't mind the idea of PSO2 being PC-only (well, so far it seems), but it does make me repeatedly worry if my computer will handle running it at a satisfactory rate, especially since I have a laptop rather than a desktop. Plus, I do have an HD TV in my bedroom, so I should be able to display my laptop onto it.

    Yeah, it's sad that members keep coming then going over the past few months, unlike back then. Personally, I believe, and also fear that the Revival group will probably die off soon. But to be really honest, I kind of wonder if either most newcomers quickly lose interest in PSZ shortly after they join, or join to go inactive to just waste your time (I don't mean to offend such people with that comment). Well, that's how I'm seeing things right now.
  11. It would be nice if Sega could do that but I'm not going to hold them to it as of yet. I've seen the complaints about the NA versions of PSO and PSU. And the online on NA PSP2 version on the Sony PSP is a wreck from the beginning because Sega never enforced needing to have a code inserted to play online which led to the online mode being littered with hackers. I guess I'll see how well Sega upholds this promise. I do like who they are focusing on only releasing it for one platform, the PC, even if a bunch of console-only gamers are bothered by it. I think it would help them focus more. Not to mention, we live in a age where TV's nowadays double as computer monitors so it's possible to hook up a desktop computer to it and play PSO2 from there. Flat screen TV's practically scream "giant computer monitor"

    I know I've said this before but PSZ seems to lack any staying power. In the 2+ years I've owned the game, I've seen so many people come and go. In the PSZ-R group right now, it seems like I see a new wave of players like every month or two that will come, play for at least a month, and then vanish. I know Windancer loves this game. I'm sure his in-game records would be a lot higher if he didn't have a family and work and other responsibilities.
  12. Yeah, it's unfortunate that Zero hasn't came back recently. Same thing for Windy. Oh well. I do miss being able to talk and play with them, as well as other players from the group. =(

    Well, I do hope that PSO2 at least gets an NA release. I did remember that earlier, (I think) SEGA mentioned wanting to try and release PSO2 in Japan and North America around the same time, but it's most likely not going to happen that way. I wouldn't worry however about SEGA not releasing PSO2 in NA, least I hope that doesn't happen.
  13. Eclipse did post in the group last month that he wanted a break from PSZ and he still posts in the group page so I don't plan on kicking him out this month. Zero, on the other hand, has flat out vanished this month. Not a word from him lately.

    I'm not sure how bad Windancer is either. It seems like he hasn't gotten any better the last time I talked to him.

    I hope you get the chance to do tests with PSO2. If you don't, you and everyone else will get the chance to play PSO2 when it comes out....hopefully it'll have an English release.
  14. I believe I've been having the same case with PSZ. There was one time where I haven't played PSZ for two weeks straight, but nonetheless, I seem to pick it up again here and there. Like you, I've been hoping to get some other game to get into.

    It's sad to hear that Windy hasn't signed on a while. Well, hopefully, he should come back soon. But then again, I'm not sure of how bad his health issues are.

    Well, hopefully, the mentioned members don't disappear soon. However, I did recall that both Eclipse and Zero are busy with real life (especially Zero), since they have jobs. But again, I'm not 100% sure if that is the reason for their recent inactivity/hiatus from the group.

    It's perfectly fine to wait for the final version of PSO2 before considering to buy it. I agree that it is best to wait, since if it doesn't impress you enough, then it's not worth investing money into it if you don't have the best financial situations. The same goes for myself, but I am willing to try the PSO2 tests if I manage to get the opportunity to do so.
  15. Yeah, Joni got inspired to try a high-DEF build with her HUney when I announced I was going to do a high-DEF HUmarl and she seems to like it so far.

    It seems like with me, I haven't given up on PSZ because I haven't found a game like it that I wanted to stick with. I have tried numerous times to find such a game but I end up coming back to PSZ. I am not sure yet if I plan to get PSO2 as of yet. I'm not sure what my future is like right now and if I'll have the means to play PSO2 or not. My money situation is not the best right now. In addition, I want to see the final product before I make any judgements on the game.

    I am surprised too that Windancer is still out sick. I rarely ever speak to him anymore. I used to talk to him all the time too. The last time I talked to him was sometime last month and he was still recovering. I also got to play PSZ with him that night too. He finally got Tamlin's Rage Tonfa that Tamlin gave to me to give to him and a 4-slot Keplar Suit I got in a trade with Barter3k.

    That was cool of Eclipse to get into a test. I'm hoping he doesn't vanish from the group like so many others have been lately that joined up around August to November of last year (around the time you were in the group). Sadly, ZeroxGT seemed to have vanished this month.
  16. Ah, I see. I know Joni is also trying out a high-DFP build, since she was trying it out the last time I played with her (not to mention I remember her apologizing for not being very good at dishing out damage compared to me, which I honestly had no problem with in the first place ).

    I also didn't think Windy would be still sick though. You've been taking over as leader for the Revival group for more than a few months now, and I also wonder when he'll get better, even though I've long left the group before. Regardless, I'm hoping he'll fully recover soon.

    As for me, even though I've claimed that I have retired from PSZ, I still end up picking up the game here and there, and I somehow predict that even when PSO2 comes out, or at least if I manage to get nominated to play the next test if I were to register for it, I may play PSZ still (Eclipse managed to try out the second alpha test for PSO2 last month). Me and Eclipse do have plans on starting some mini-group for PSO2 when it comes out, and I remember hearing from Zero that he had the idea of inviting Revival members into a mini-group if they have plans to play PSO2 when it comes out. So far, I know myself, Eclipse, Shanks, and Zero plan on playing it together when it comes out, but I don't know if this will mean we'll all fully quit PSZ by then, since we do have old friends from the Revival board that we'd still like to keep in touch with.
  17. Whoops, I meant slamming everything with Overend before. Yeah, Celeb weapons while powerful, do get dull after a while. I started up a HUmarl recently dedicated to having a ton of guard because I want to do something different. I might adjust the build for more power and hit with mags so I can use more than shields down the road, especially when I get another 100 guard with Deband use. I wanted to see if having high guard is good as having high evade before I retire from the game. I'm not sure when I'll be retiring from PSZ at this point because I'm watching Windancer's group for him while he's away right now.
  18. Agreed. I've been using my In katanas more often nowadays, since Celeb weapons are becoming relatively boring to me now, and either insta-killing small fry with the Akatsuki In or randomly dealing massive damage with the Yonohate In begins to become more and more satisfying the more you use them.

    I am also planning on trying to raise my FOmar to LV100 again. I got heavily motivated to play with him again, since I've been planning a new ATA build with him while making him utilize this awesome slicer ShapeSBB traded to me for my old Rika's Claw (Trois Souther, 0/0/0/15/49 *Fortified in Dark*, LV3 Celeb, Bright Sign).
  19. Oh, I see. The attendance seems to be down but there was still quite a few online today. Also, I remember when I have said a few times in the past that I didn't care for the In swords but I have been using them a lot since Chaosmaster let me have his Yonohate and Akatsuki In. It gets boring stamping everything with Overend after a while so I welcome the variety in gameplay those two swords provide.
  20. Yeah, I decided to play online on PSZ today, since I overheard that lots of group members couldn't make it to today's revival, and that I haven't played PSZ in a long time, so I decided to join for a while. I played with Gavin, Nick, DTR, (I think) The_Pup, and Nymeria, and picked up a Maisen with no parameters and Say Good-Bye, which I gave to Nick.

    Not to mention, I have been pretty bored lately while I'm still waiting for news regarding PSO2 and for the end of my second term at post-secondary to come, and since I haven't played with some of the group members in a while, I thought why not hang out for a bit online.
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