Conversation Between Shotte and kagoma1112

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh, so foie and barta? I could just fry him, much more easier. xD

    Gun failing, what gun failing, I haven't seen it from you yet.
  2. It was supposed to be Bashin Foie'ing Octo, You Barta'ing it, and my gun failing to do any damage against the Octopus.
  3. Um um... what? xD
    Well, that was... well, I don't know... xD
  4. Why Punch him when you can emit enough light that he gets the most painful Sun-Tan ever, Give him a good zapping with your stun gun fists, bring down the damn temperature in Ozette by a few thousand degrees, and then enjoy some crispy Pulpo a la planca y frita? ____
    (>_<) <Gun Fail
    _ ----------- ¬>-l
    o-<O ------------------- <_) l\/\/\/\/l ___ /\
    /\ l Pew Pew Pew<_) ( \ /) __/ _ >
    (O O)_/ __/
    \/\/\/\/___/ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ O>-o¬
    \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ l /\

    -Kicks Forum-

    This is Madness!

    -Resists Cheesy second line-
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4