Conversation Between Brendan Smith and jonigavin

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, Brendan!
    My sheepish apologies for misspelling your name.. It won't happen again!
    Grats on accessing Super.. more "reds" and more of a challenge. Lv 80..terrific! My HuCaseal just made 99..thanks to lv 5 X element weaps..
    I have been busy w work and craft projects.. but hope to join you on your hunt for rares!
    Take care, Brendan.
  2. Actually, I just recently beat ET on Hard, so I have unlocked Super Hard! I'm around Level 80~ now, with my main HUmar.
  3. Hey, Brandon!
    Yes, that's me with that silly "face" for a name.. I currently only use one PSZ FC.. which would be the most recent edit I posted in the group forum. You can delete the rest..
    Hows your avat leveling? Have you accessed Supe mode yet? Good luck and hope to see you at coming revivals..
  4. Well, I'm not sure if I've got ALL of your codes down, but I'll double check! And so you WERE the one with the "face" as a name... correct?
  5. Hi, Brendan!
    Thanks for your msg. I gave a lot of "new" PSZ codes becuz I have 3 cards. My orig has 3 avats: 2 lv 100 and my Cast lv 98. My apologies.. I downloaded a new 3DS transfer app which made it imposs to op my TTcard. I bought a new DSi hence my new PSZ FC.. Hope to catch you on-line soon! Take care.
  6. We played together Yesterday, right? You were JONES, and had "{^:^}" as your character name... right?

    And why do you have so many different Friend codes for ZERO?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6