Conversation Between Coron and Nick O'Demus

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you
    I'll use it long time.
  2. Alright. Let's try to meet around 7:30 my time / 22:30 your time. I'll be on my 2nd cart, the FC is 3953-9438-3932. Let me know if that will work for you.
  3. hmmm..
    40/42/0/0/0 . Risk-lv.1 . Wild Blow
  4. Don't worry about it, you can have it. Which one of them did you want?
  5. Thank you for message.
    It is 22:00~24:00 in Japan, so I can.
    But,what item do you want??
  6. You can have one of those Armbrusts if you want it. Unfortunately, I'm at work right now, so I can't get on wifi, and I'll only be home for a couple of hours this morning before I have to leave for the airport. If you're available today between 7-9 am (U.S. central time), I can give it to you then, otherwise it'll have to wait until either late Friday or sometime Saturday, after I get back.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6