Conversation Between Cyst and jonigavin

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, Cyst!
    Joni here. Gavin aka "Kal-bee" is my beau. He's a die-hard PSZ team on-line player.. I play mostly off-line/ on-line solo. Have fun..
  2. Hey are you ready for a run?
  3. 3482-7417-5890
  4. Hi, Cyst!
    Sure, we would be happy to play on-line runs with you! Here is Gavin's FC:
    Kal-bee: 0089-6462-7237.
    Can you send us your FC?
  5. Hi . Would you like to do a PSZ run some time? I'm having trouble finding anyone to play.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5