Conversation Between Cyst and WuBing

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry 4 the late reply. I have been busy lately.. Hope to see you tomorrow!
  2. When can you join me for some runs tonight?
  3. How was I to know that XD..? Yours is terribly good as well! Congrats! Keep it and thanks for your feedback.
  4. How do you get so much good stuff??? Tell me your secret! Anyways, I found a H44 last night with these stats: 10/0/43/37/0 Lvl3 Meseta with Flame Hit and I was gonna give it to you as thanks for the stuff you gave me. But yours is vastly better than it lol.
  5. Which one? The one I'm currently using is 46/32//0/34/31(F)/LV3 X-Element/Flame Hit
  6. What's the stats on your H44?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6