Conversation Between Sandmind and PSO-Valerie :3

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Ment, I'll get you someday again, you keep being a ninja while I am playing, don't think I will fail the next time I see you huehuehue :3
  2. Playing other games are you? That explain why I unfortunatly haven't been able to see you Val. I'm doing good and I hope it's the same for you. Have fun in the mean time. =)
  3. Hiya ment, how's things going for you ? I am currently on the hide :3 other games are keeping me busy for the time being
  4. Ahoy mentalist, I have raided your wall with this post and I am now going to demolish it soon for I am Demolition Neko.
  5. If you want to use a VPN for downloading the game because tweaker cannot cannot, I simply solved that by adding the tweaker to the pingzapper list (+ pso2 ofc). So I can launch tweaker from pingzapper, which then launch pso2. XD On the flip side, pingzapper is getting annoying fast with the trial version's limit of 30mins. =/ So a good VPN is still a good option Val.
  6. I was thinking...maybe use a VPN and download the game all over again from the website. Reason being that the tweaker, regardless from searching for missing files, it needs to connect to the servers from JP PSO2 to get those files.
  7. Well, I have no trouble seeing my character ingame with pingzapper. I dunno why it does that for you Val. In my case, I did add both pso2 and the tweaker to it...

    Hum, softether? I though someone had said it was a free VPN and they got banned. Probably my imagination.

    Also, hello Chidori (since you seemed to answer to me XD).
  8. Pingzapper does not work well with me, I can log in fine, I can see the scenery but not my character nor everyone else but only their names. I tried looking for missing files via tweaker but nothing. Plus, if I were to uninstall and install the game all over again, I can't either because I can't download through direct website. But anyway, to avoid the pain and since everyone on here is frustrated to hear the same questions and have a stick so far up their ass, im gonna use VPN finally. Starting with Softether.
  9. Ha ha, yeah it's me Mentalist. XD Sandmind is my usual gamertag. To be honest, everytime I was seeing you on the forum, I'd wonder if it was truly you or someone with a similar name (and you know how I'm not the type to poke people randomly). Oh well, how have you been this whole time? I have been playing again a little since last week using pingzapper, that 30min limit for the trial version is kinda a mood killer at time. XD
  10. It's me, the neko :3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11