Conversation Between Poemi and Sephirah

9 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks!
  2. Welcome back!
  3. heyaaaaaaa!!! I'm updating pso2, is sooooooo slow arghhh
  4. yea that sucks :P
  5. oh well, we can say that it sucks living with your parents XD!
  6. That sucks! What happened to your net?
  7. hihi! I don't have internet in my home, that's why the other day I was suddenly disconnected, well, I hope you enjoyed killing dragons xD see you! (I hope so, I want internet back xD)
  8. Sure! I'm on right now.
  9. Hi! we can play together someday if you want
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9