Conversation Between Engeline and Reiketsu

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh, I found the bracket things! Need to press ctrl + alt + 7 or 0 to get them o_o
    {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}
  2. To do the trick you type pork but with {def} in the middle of it so it'll look like po{def}rk.
  3. Saki, Ollin and I found your clone earlier today xD
    We killed the other two first and then ganged up on yours :3
  4. Happy Birthday, Engeline!! *hug* <3 <3 <3
    I hope you have/had a nice day!
    I didn't manage to draw you a picture (needs at least one week time, lol), but I will do so in the future >_< Sorry ;_;
  5. xD sorry! Anyway I sent the invite, see if you got it!
  6. Huuuuuuge picture is sliiiiiiightly kinda huuuuuuuge O___________O"
    And it doesn't change the fact you still haven't added me via Skype u_u"
  7. You liar...
  8. !! O///O B-Baka! >///<
  9. None D: Himi is the only one I will say it to forever!!
  10. And to how many other people have you said that today? :/
  11. Ill find you with the power of love <3
  12. It's reiketsu-himizu... try that and see if you find me xD
    Though, again, I'm not really on that often u_u"
  13. Space-love hotel
  14. Never heard of that before... is it good? o_o
    And what are we going to do after that then?
  15. I'll take you out to dinner at Space-Ruby Tuesdays . And get some Space-Steak!
  16. The part about 'kind heart' makes me suspicious, if you're telling the truth, but okay...
    I'll believe you this time! So what are you going to do about it then?
  17. NOT A LOVER! Just an adopted kid I found living in the streets ;____________________; My kind heart had to help her! I'm struggling as a single parent now D:
  18. Well, why don't you go to your new lover then and ask that Midori to ease your pain?? ;_;"
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 35
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