Conversation Between Haseokun and gigawuts

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, glad to help. I mainly chill out in premium blocks lately, they're more quiet. I tend to play solo due to RL stuff, getting up on short notice etc. I could pop by and do some runs, I'll send you a friend request
  2. You seem like a decent enough fellow, and down right helpful too. I hope you don't mind if I add you to my friends list. My in game character is Ovan. I play on Ship 02 in both Block 20 and at times 21. Ovan is my lv33 Hunter that is currently using Wired Lances with Partizans as a secondary for certain scenarios such as Gwanas and Ragnes. Ovan is also a lv21 Ranger with a Photon Launcher and Yasminakov 3000R as his main weapons. Hunter is focused on Fury/Crits and Ranger is focused on destroying bosses Weak Points via Weak Hit Advance 1 and 2 along with Weak Bullet for max dps to bosses.
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