Conversation Between Larian and ForteGunnerW

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hope you had a good holiday man.
  2. Happy Holidays!! =D
  3. I'll probably quit PSU after this event..
  4. Ah, cool. New event friday!
  6. Haha yeah im good man, I haven't played PSU in a while but im still paying...
    Whats mabinogi?
  7. I'm doing well...What about you? I actually played PSU the other day to do the new story mission...I'm not really playing unless something new comes out or someone asks me to play. I mainly play a game called Mabinogi now.
  8. Dude!!! i havent spoken to you in ages. How are ya? Do you still play PSU?
  9. Larian are you on PSU!
  10. Hey man. I havent really had the time to play PSU much but im aorta back now... Its been a while.
  11. Yeah, its cool. Well i should be on later so if i am ill party with ya.
  12. Ohhh...The UK...Sounds cool!! =D
  13. Dude, ill be there im not too sure about timing though. Im in the UK for 3 weeks so different times an all that stuff.
  14. Why haven't I seen you around...Are you going to be on Wednesday? I need to get serious about this GBR!! =D
  15. Larian why havent i partied with you?
  16. You better be.
  17. It's marked on my calander! I'm so there!! =D
  18. you better come back for STD!!!!
  19. hmm i know hpw you feel... this game is kinda boring at the moment..
    PSU will die after a few months... thats the only bad thing... but hopefully SEGA will make the best phantasy star game... and actually work to keep their members
  20. Yeah...until they decided to give out those items from the PSP day event...Or compensate me from the room hack...Then I might do somehting...

    Otherwise I've been playing a lot of Mabinogi lately...and it suits me just fine!! =D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 46
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