Conversation Between SociableTyrannosaur and Shambertin

7 Visitor Messages

  1. awesome
  2. Sure we'll help where we can
  3. le gasp i had some error message i could not read and then i accidently pressed the uninstall button it was written in japanese so i had no idea hahah o well im in work today so either i'll redownload it later today or tomorrow. and if the error message happens again ill screen cap it then post here somewhere.
  4. Ah well I'm up and about most of the time. I may not be on the game all the time, but feel free to add me.
  5. well i'm installing then updating PSO2 and i am gonna start looking for players to play with :O my time zone is gmt +1 :O
  6. PST (GMT-7), why what's up?
  7. Sociable T what time zone are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7