Conversation Between McDuck and sml_psZ

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay me too. Ive been on.
  2. plannin on bein on tonight
  3. You going on tonight?
  4. hey, i'm on
  5. Yessir, actually tonight we may be blessed to roll with a full team!! How great would that be? I have two people who wanna play, im so excited 3DS is on the charge right now but i'll be on once its done. which i'm guessing will be in half an hour to and hour. But don't wait up for me, if you decide you wanna go to bed!
  6. hey man ill be on here in a little bit if you still are
  7. yeah i'll be off at eleven but i planned on being on after that
  8. Ill most likely be on tonight if you wanna get on, i'll be there.
  9. I'll be checkin my 3ds every ten minutes or so, if you don't make it on don't worry about it, but i'll be on forsure.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9