Conversation Between CloudChaser and Faylen

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. No trust me, It isn't ruined AT ALL even knowing that it's a huge shock.
  2. Did you watch it after the credits tho? They become reincarnated as humans again, the main character walks past angel who is whistling a Girls Dead Monster song and he reaches out to her
  3. I love that honestly, brings dread and remorse and dissappointment, sadness depression things I like to get out of an anime, yes it's dark. And I was going to watch schooldays but now it's ruined for me JERK!!!
  4. Everyone dies kinda thing.
  5. never watched school days, what do you mean?
  6. SAO is good, Clannad over hyped (But good) AB....just no I hate when they do that in anime. Like School Days.
  7. SAO, I'm sure you heard of, I watched all of it and it was damn good.

    Clannad: After Story, will always be one of my favorites, few watched rated one of the best animes out there. Clannad is its main story, Clannad: After Story is the sequel series.

    Angel beats, tear worthy, another fav.
  8. Naw, It's awesome though. You will hear about it soon enough its starting to become mainstreamed so -.-
  9. Would you hate me if I said I never heard of it?
  10. Attack on Titan
  11. I am but wtf is AOT lol
  12. I gots to get Fo to thirty and get my Techer
  13. Not sure if your an anime guy but I realized I can make my AOT OC as a PSO character
  14. Sure as hell hope so, I can't wait to get home and play a bit
  15. Doing so. If it works then time to power a HU to 30 so I get Fighter.
  16. Update your tweaker, nvm what I said about deleting large files. Update the tweaker then uninstle largefiles patch
  17. Hope it works I wanna make my new character
  18. uninstall the large files patch, tell it to go fuck itself, and play pso2 lol
  19. wait i know how!!!
    AIDA just updated tweaker with uninstall patch tab
  20. How do I know which is the right files?
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