Conversation Between lRagna and Lacen

2 Visitor Messages

  1. haha I'm glad you like it :3... I used Adobe Illustrator with the Pen Tool and just making shapes all over my workspace lol, those animated stuff I did when I was new to After Effects but now I make better animations, I wanted to animate your character but i have not time to do it now but maybe someday i'll finish it, idk about you but I'm in Ship 1 D: I will send you a mp later with some of my poses but is not that awesome as yours xD
  2. Thanks a lot lRagna! I'm loving the stuff you did for my portrait! xD What the heck did you use to make something like that? It's super cool! I'm using that wallpaper you made as my WALLPAPER BACKGROUND ON PC!!! LOL! TOTALLY BADASS! =P The animated stuff you have on your photobucket is awesome too. =] THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Dunno how to express my gratitude. >.<; We will need to meet up someday and kick some butt together in-game when I'm not busy working! =D Do them awesome poses side by side. XD

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