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  1. View Conversation
    That's why I worry for her...T.T (we're friends though, so I shouldn't be going to personal with the *hold the pointer finger to show the red string that reminds him that*)

    Wow, no one visited here in awhile...Anyways, I'm here to apologize fro being a moron its been while since I refreshed my memory on the story line. Yus, I was dumb as crap...And I probably did it before too haven't I? TT.TT But still...What the hell? Past missions? Sega must been desperate....

    I.... better give you space....
  2. I have many troubles with my life, sorry... .
  3. View Conversation
    hmm, so you are still around? I never see you visit our group D:
  4. View Conversation
    Sure! I'll pull up some bigger ones...Sorry about that....

    (I wounder how she doing...?)
  5. Well... there are a bit small, do you got no pictures with a better resolution?
  6. View Conversation
    I put up two new picture for you! I hope you get his good side XD
  7. View Conversation
    Haha, that's okay ^_^ I did celebrate it well. And it was a really good day!
  8. @Alex: Oh... I m so sorry, I didnt know you had your b-day on the 6th
  9. View Conversation
    Hey! Been a while! You missed my birthday, even
    But it is good to see you again ^_^
  10. View Conversation
    YAY!!! <3

    KAfie X: Pleasssseeee~! Don't get his hopes up >.<; Anymore youtube cutaways and I'll die!
  11. Thank you very much .
  12. View Conversation
    HAPPY B-day!!! *hands you a gift* I hope you like AKi! <3 <3 (Sorry, I was late making you a gift)
  13. View Conversation
    Oh hai, Happy BDay Aki.

    Long time no see, hope you're enjoying today.

    (Why is everyone older than I am on this board ? D: )
  14. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Aki! Have a good one!
  15. View Conversation
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are now 2 years older than I will be in January! XDD
  16. View Conversation
    Man, its been dead here...X3

    ATTACK OF THE RANDOM YOUTUBE VIDEO!! Just meant to entertain, not spam her T.T.

    How you doing? I hope you didn't run out of "Ammo". Media devises do have their limits sometimes -.-'
  17. View Conversation
    Hey Aki, the print I ordered of the Terra and Aya artwork arrived today! I just gotta find a frame for it now

    It looks even more awesome as a physical copy
  18. View Conversation
    Awesome pic!

    Oh yeah, I deleted a few people from the Hunters Guild social group since they did not contribute anything. I left you in since I know you don't show up on PSOW all that often.

    Also, we have our own private forums for the Hunters Guild. If you'd like, I can give you a link via PM if you want to join. ^_^
  19. View Conversation
    Sometimes I worry about you being harassed I guess. I shouldn't worry since you have people to protected...right ??..RIGHT?? *worries*

    Kafie X: If you're worried, why don't you ask the guardians a special request to..WHAT am I saying? NOFOGET IT!! FORGETWHAATISAID!! >.<; I was being sarcastic!! (lol one of their team talks since they're in the same party)
  20. Dont worry : )
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About Aki03

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5 reasons why its legit to play as a girl in MMORPGs:
1. MMORPG - Mostly Men Only Role Playing Girls
2. Friendship never depends on the gender - only love do
3. Acting as someone who isnt real just means to play the game
4. Girls like girls, men like them, too
5. Does it really matter? Really? Its just a game!


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Feb 13, 2009 12:53 AM
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Sep 17, 2006

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  1. AlexCraig AlexCraig is offline

    Hunters Guild Hunter

  2. Alia Alia is offline

    Shadebag Extraordinaire

  3. BruteFOrce BruteFOrce is offline

    My Title lol?

  4. e-machine e-machine is offline


  5. haruna haruna is offline

    Distova's Witness

  6. Legendwolf Legendwolf is offline

    PSO Assassin

  7. MaximusLight MaximusLight is offline

    Anima Unleashed!

  8. Neith Neith is offline

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