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  1. View Conversation
    Happy birthday!
  2. Well that is good! What type of ratting would you give that movie and what type of sword did you end up getting?
  3. Good stuff? girls, beer, rum, toys, guns, boats or a bike?
  4. That's ok you got it now! YW. Sure, I like cake and I had some chocolate cake recently last night! It was good for a change, not bad like I seem to get from the stores lately. That is why I usually make it myself lately. Did you get a good amount of presents too?
  5. Looking good so far! So What did you get me for my birthday? Also? Happy birthday! Happy birthday! TO ME! Happy birthday! TO ME! Now sing a song to me! Now I owe all your present and cake! Cause I am the birthday monster! So Happy birthday!
  6. View Conversation
    Have a great birthday! :3
  7. View Conversation
    I think level will be reset, but you may get some present such as room deco.
  8. View Conversation
    which is why me and almost all of my friends plan to play it in JP ver this time, no matter they localized it later or not. PSPo1 PSPo2, doesn't have DLC in NA version, and PSPo2I not even exist in NA or something. While I played them on JP ver, they got DLC updating for a year.
  9. View Conversation
    very good game, I like it in every way except the graphic which is little behind this generation of game.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!
  12. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday.
  13. View Conversation
    Thank you
  14. View Conversation
  15. View Conversation
    oh thx never thought that someone will say something
  16. View Conversation
    Thanks, Mate... or, I guess, The Mates? :3 I did indeed make the image in my sig; actually, I ripped myself off by taking the flower-hound from an illustration I'd recently finished, 'cause I thought the beasty would make a good image on its own. Cheers.
  17. I can get on the Private Server if you wanted to play sometime. I'm pretty sure PC/DC can play with GC; it's just BB that can't play with anyone.
  18. View Conversation
    Yeah I left it on for just under a week. I had a week off work so I left it running while I was away
  19. View Conversation
    I'm having the same problem as Zero is, it said your name didn't exist...
  20. View Conversation
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About thematesV2

Basic Information

Date of Birth
November 8
About thematesV2
new account for old member, old account entitled themates
Pixel Plaza
PSO2, Level Design, Sci-fi, 3-d Design, The Mates,
GRM Industries laid me off, I used to make weapon blueprints. now I make tutorial missions.
Xbox Live Gamertag:
Feral F9
Player Info
PSO Characters:
PSO2 (Ship2 ):
ThematesV4, Force lvl 46
Rialto, Braver lvl 38

Team: Paranoia Gaming

ThematesV.1, skyly HUmar (Level 156), Rank: Gi-GOU - PSOBB

Themates, skyly HUmar (Level 83 offline) PSOGC
VeraFeral, pinkal HuCast (level 132 offline) PSOGC
PSU Characters:
Themates v2, Fighgunner cast, level 69, Sweet Death, Muzzlefever, Masmuneric
--wiggin (PM running mate) 414: battle level 2 , Sweet Death

Themates revived, Protranser in the making, level 24

also... this is new account, old account was themates, used for psoBB
PS Portable Characters:
ThematesV3, lvl55


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Nov 8, 2013 05:29 PM
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Mar 3, 2014 02:01 PM
Join Date
Jul 22, 2008
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9 Friends

  1. AIDA AIDA is offline

    Director of the Universe

  2. Andy1423 Andy1423 is offline

    Duzzinhoff aka RED_RANGER

  3. Arika Arika is offline

    Love is all ar♥und ♪~

  4. Ark Waterfall Ark Waterfall is offline

    Rappy Hunter

    Ark Waterfall
  5. astuarlen astuarlen is offline

    spring chicken

  6. GreenGod GreenGod is offline


  7. Hentai_Kittie Hentai_Kittie is offline

    Cat Hugger

  8. Kylie Kylie is offline

    Midnight Caller

  9. Ryo Ryo is offline

    Mediocre since '01

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Player Info
PSO Characters:
PSO2 (Ship2 ):
ThematesV4, Force lvl 46
Rialto, Braver lvl 38

Team: Paranoia Gaming

ThematesV.1, skyly HUmar (Level 156), Rank: Gi-GOU - PSOBB

Themates, skyly HUmar (Level 83 offline) PSOGC
VeraFeral, pinkal HuCast (level 132 offline) PSOGC
PSU Characters:
Themates v2, Fighgunner cast, level 69, Sweet Death, Muzzlefever, Masmuneric
--wiggin (PM running mate) 414: battle level 2 , Sweet Death

Themates revived, Protranser in the making, level 24

also... this is new account, old account was themates, used for psoBB
PS Portable Characters:
ThematesV3, lvl55
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