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    I have always wanted to get into Monster Hunter, if only they'd release a goddamn PC version! I played a bit of the PSP version and I liked it, but man, that tiny screen. Gib PC version.

    I think settling for 75% is the way to go, and I'd imagine you can improve on things later on if you wanted to wear it again. I'm amazed that it only ends up being a week's worth of work, but I guess when you know what you're doing, that's possible. And you'll have to get back into Insanity when you're on your feet again! You'll be back in shape in no time :3 Although injury is so, when I kept getting sick last year (stupid running in cold air) I never dropped off that much, but when I broke my toe it absolutely destroyed my progress. Stupid body.

    I make my own trail mix, so I'll have plenty of bags of that and bottles of water in my purse XD Fortunately it's actually cooled down a bit here and it's only supposed to be 83 tomorrow (and back to 90s next week, haha), but I guess I will be dressed for warm weather anyway. I did confirm that I'm gonna meet with some friends there, so that'll make the experience more fun as they've done this con thing many times. One of my friends is a treasurer for another convention so he'll kinda be "on business", which is neat. I finished the last part of my cosplay--the haircut--and surprisingly I kinda like how I look with bangs :O

    Yay new sketchbook! At least it's a little something to keep you occupied. I just had some new knives come in and they're puuuurdy :3 (I have a decent little knife/dagger collection)
  2. View Conversation
    Yay for father-daughter game bonding time Hope you have fun with it~ MK8 is totally worth seeking out though, it's so much fun. 150cc is pretty bullshit at times, but the game itself is a blast and there's even remade tracks from previous games!

    I think you can throw out having 100% accuracy for a little utility XD My jeans for my cosplay aren't torn/faded in the EXACT same pattern, but it's close enough for me. I don't know how long it takes to make things like the jacket, but it sounds like you've got a decent plan together for yours. Hope it goes well :3 I hope your house isn't too carpeted, then you can just wheel around everywhere in an office chair while crafting XD

    That's good to know, that way I don't feel awkward just coming out of nowhere and commenting on peoples' costumes. I'm not gonna wanna go back out into the boring "real world" after this, I have a feeling XD Hoping to gain some new friends from it, and hopefully I'll be going with some other friends of mine as is, to help ease me into the experience. My number one hope is that I run into a Jann Lee cosplayer, because in Dead or Alive 5, Hitomi and Jann Lee are in the tournament's final match :P FIGHT-O

    You need a constant stream of Febreeze to your feet, haha. Hopefully they'll let you get em washed up soon. And gah, I'm such a side-sleeper, I couldn't bear having to sleep on my back for that long >_<
  3. View Conversation
    That's quite a thing to wake up to! You should totally get Mario Kart 8, it's stupidly fun Congrats on the random gift!

    I guess that's a good point about shoe size, I'm sure that got really annoying >_< But if you can afford to wait on the boots, that would be ideal. Do you have anything in your wardrobe you can go ahead and use, or are you going to have to do everything by hand?

    I've heard from several people that there's a real "community" mentality at a con when you're in costume, it's like everyone's your friend all the sudden, so that should be fun and hopefully it'll put a bit of my cosplay-anxiety at ease :P I figure, Hitomi's hyper and spunky and even looks like me, so it should be pretty easy to portray her properly. She's also my main in DoA, so maybe I can even throw down a few of her moves XD And yes, the thought of you prancing around as Homura is amusing to say the least.

    YOU FOUGHT OFF AN ENTIRE ARMY WITH THOSE FEET, THEY ARE BATTLE SCARS. Gah, I didn't think about being able to wash your feet, that suuuuuuucks >_< Hopefully you can give them a nice soak soon.
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    Splatoon looks fun too, and I think it's going to be a great slap in the face to the CoD-types who don't think it'll succeed. It's something new and unique to the genre, which we haven't had in a very long time, and while not being much of a shooter fan I really look forward to it. Nintendo is their own damn trend :P

    I agree, I think that's a great character for you to do. Plus it's pretty sexy ;D Even if you can't size the boots, you can at least get materials and work on the rest of it in the meantime. Or if you know anyone with the same shoe size as you, maybe they could provide some help. And yeah, I'm pretty excited about wearing mine, though I'm still kinda anxious XD It's a super-cute and flirty outfit and I think I can pull off her personality pretty well too. I'm pretty much going to squee if I run into any other DoA cosplayers :P

    Um...your feet are cracked D: No wonder you can't walk on them!
  5. View Conversation
    PSOW lives! @_@;

    Having greaves as legs would be amazing :O Especially with like, hydraulics and rocket boosters! Just, uh, stay clear of magnets and such, and water probably wouldn't be such a great idea either...

    I think that's a great point about the Wii U's appeal--the response to Nintendo's panel even from people who didn't give a shit about E3 tells me a lot about the game player community: we're sick and tired of press-square-to-win movie-like games and constant dark and gritty atmospheres. We just want games that are fun again. Graphics aside, not one person can honestly tell me that God of War is more fun than Mario Party with a bunch of friends. Nintendo's got a better grasp on the community than anyone realized and it's making a Wii U very appealing.

    If you could mimic cel-shaded graphics that would be pretty amazing XD It'll be hot either way! The torn shirt and the jeans and the hat should be pretty easy, though I'd imagine the jacket and boots and wristguards would be a challenge. Still, you could absolutely pull off a sexy cowgirl look like that and hopefully you have time to pull it off. As for Chelsea-Hitomi, it's finished other than having my gloves altered to be fingerless It looks so good! (and sexy ;D) I could wear a denim jacket with it and stay true to Hitomi's style, although I've been in this convention center before and I think I'll be fine. Should be a fun lil outfit to run around in :3
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    Heh, I do most of my posting from my phone anymore too, so I know how that goes XD Autocorrect floats in this realm of "annoying but just useful enough to leave on" but some of the corrections are certainly worse than others. Mine keeps trying to replace cosplay with Coldplay @_@;

    New boots are always worth looking forward to :3 I still think you missed out on getting super bionic legs or some shit. Silly fleshy limitations.

    Looking more at what all was revealed, I have to say Nintendo easily stole the show overall. Bayonetta 2, Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, Zelda Wii U, and the glimpse at Starfox are making it awfully hard to resist a Wii U, plus I've played Mario Kart 8 and it's stupid amounts of fun. Also I'm afraid Reggie will haunt my nightmares if I don't eventually get one o______o;

    Nisha doesn't look too difficult to put together other than the jacket, so hopefully you can fit it in. I'm sure it'd look great on you :O As for me, I went out yesterday and found the gloves for my costume, but they're not fingerless and I'll need to take them to a friend to have them professionally modified. Didn't find the shoes, but I've still got time. I've tried what I do have so far on and it's pretty hot XD Hopefully it's not freezing cold at the con though, because my upper body and torso are gonna be in trouble otherwise :P
  7. View Conversation
    Six weeks isn't *too* terrible, although the summer timing of it kinda sucks. It's a great time to get caught up on games, art, and reading at least! And your new kicks look like they could have rocket boosters coming out the bottom or something XD

    Tomb Raider 2 and Zelda Wii U both looked really great from what I saw. The Mirror's Edge sequel kinda surprised me because I didn't think the first game went over that well, though the aesthetic was really awesome. The new Starfox is super-exciting (huuuuge SF fan), and the Tales of Xillia 2 trailer was amazing. Didn't get into much else other than that.

    *Google image search-fu* YOU WOULD BE SO SEXY AS NISHA @_@ I'll be doing a cosplay progress post on the dumblrs soon (yay more followers!), and I'm going to hopefully finish up my shopping this week. I'm still like, super-anxious about it XD I might post some pics but I'm still a big pussy about putting pictures of myself online, so we'll see. I'm just glad I've been in really good shape lately, given my costume :P
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    Wow, lookat you stylin' XD Glad you came out of it okay and that your movement isn't as hindered as you thought it'd be! Still, just be easy on it and I'm sure it'll clear up in no time. How's life been since you got back home?

    I haven't followed E3 much aside from the big highlights that are posted all over the interbutts anyway, just wasn't much that interested me. From what I read, it looked like Nintendo stole the show with an array of games that actually looked fun, but that's no big surprise. An open-world Zelda is an interesting concept, and it's nice to see them coming up with some new ideas for the franchise. Also STARFOX.

    Otherwise, I started up a a dumb blog thing and I'm working on a Hitomi cosplay for a small local con next month All I really need are the gloves and the shoes, which I plan to pick up next week, so yay! Stupidly nervous yet excited about it XD
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    Yeah, finding hidden easter eggs and such is fun too. And I just love it in general when game devs put a lot of detail into places they know many people won't ever see, because they just stick with a questline. Also, huge worlds that ultimately interconnect are awesome too, like with Dark Souls. Back in RO, I found several neat places like that and it always blew my mind when I'd come out on the other end XD PSO2 definitely lacked that element.

    Organizing spree :O You'll have to set up an armada of stuff to do by your bed, haha. I'm pretty sure I'd be ultra-screwed if I were in the same position because I kinda have this whole organized chaos thing going on too :P

    Sometimes I'll get a bit of sun working in my garden because pretty much every top ever shows off my lower back when I'm bent over XD Lis mowing the lawn in a sports bra, tiny shorts, aviators, and a yellow CD player...that's fucking hot :9 I feel all MODERN lately; my running attire has been a short polyester top, similar short shorts, my awesome black/green running shoes, my iPhone armband, and ponytail for daaaays. But we're getting into the 90s this week and that top may become just a sports bra XD
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    Exploring level design is pretty much the best. Waaaaay back when I played Ragnarok Online a lot, one of my favorite aspects of the game was how insanely big the world was, and the design of each map. While most people stuck to the "best EXP" zones, I loved to branch out and see what the game designers came up with. When my Sniper became godly powerful, I did a "world tour" with her and found some really amazing locales, which was probably the most satisfying thing I did on that server. I wish more online games had that ideal instead of everything being these really linear maps.

    I'm guessing you can't do a whole lot to keep your feet from hurting entirely, but insoles are a godsend for hiking (and running!). I also find that good walking/running posture can definitely help avoid long-term pain and such. Real bummer you won't be able to be on your feet much this summer, but hey, at least it's an excuse to be lazy XD Think of all the vidyagaems and drawings!

    Yeah, lower-back exposure is pretty common with us XD The worst is getting into a car with leather seats and feeling your back suddenly contact searing-hot leather from your shirt riding up, oh god. Use lots of aloe vera gel! AND MAYBE YOU JUST SHOULDN'T WEAR SHIRTS FOR A WHILE :O Mmm, Lis doin' yardwork in nothing but a sports bra and tiny shorts? YES PLZ :9~ Chelsea approves of this hawtness! That's about to be my running attire because it's hooooot over here :P
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    It's pretty easy to see that you like games with a unique artsy motif like Child of Light :P But I know how that goes, I spend half my time in MMOs not making progress because I just wanna explore and take screenshots of scenery. Transistor looks cool, isn't that by the same guys that did Bastion? You can always expect a really great art direction from them :O I may have to check it out sometime after ALL THE OTHER GAMES.

    Yay camping! In addition to lots of pool time and lake trip I wanna do some hiking, so I need to pick up some new gear. They're halfway through building a huge new park here that's going to have 100+ miles of trails in total, it's great fun to hike through. Ooh, LIS SHOWIN OFF DAT SEXY TRAMP-STAMP SKIN :9 Those tan lines are the worst, I sometimes get them on my lower back and stomach from my athletic tanktops I use for running XD Nothing that sunbathing by the pool can't fix~
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    Surrounding yourself with art peers will be a really great thing. I remember going into engineering school and finally being surrounded by people who understood a lot of the nerdy things I was into XD Now, females are in short supply there so that made things a bit weird at times, but otherwise it was fun. Should provide you with lots of new opportunities, new friends, and people that understand you :P

    I may have to give Child of Light a shot sometime, although I have enough going on right now, haha. Once I've unlocked more stuff in DOA5 I wanna move on to Tales of Graces f, the HD port of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky should be hitting Steam soon-ish, Tales of Xillia 2 is being localized in August, and there's WRITINGS TO DOOOO :O Not to mention there's plenty of other PS3 exclusives I wanna get caught up on. Damn you hobbies!

    Also POOL IS OPEN, thus Chelsea = happy
  13. View Conversation
    I'm a sucker for a nice soundtrack or a creative videogame design too. I suppose that's why I was so into Braid, Limbo, Fez, Super Meat Boy, Brothers: A tale of two sons, and Banner Saga. LOOOOOVE an awesome mix of OST and artistic style. :3

    It's hilarious the way that Animal Crossing can make you feel that the little critters in your town *depend* on you to survive. Like they're super pissed if you just miss talking to them for ONE day! OMG! My life doesn't revolve around you Bear-dude! XD Eventually I just gave up and simply dug up fossils to sell so I could expand my house as well as buy new furniture.

    Sweeeeet. I was SO CLOSE to spending my tax return on a Wacom Intuos 5 drawing tablet--but I decided I may need more hand-to-paper practice instead and went to simply using the money to buy games off steam instead. Last year's tax return, I spent it on a new DSLR camera lens and that was freaking amazering! \o/

    lol... *shamelessly copy pastas from Chelsea's page onto yours~*

    Over here I just got back from an anime/Sci-fi convention and it was a blast! I talked to the voice actress from Tales of Xillia who did the puppet Teepo's english voice, as well as stuff like Skullgirls, DoA5 Ultimate(Rachel), Catherine, Shin Megami Tensei, Hyperdimension Neptunia etc. She was friendly. There was also actors from the new Battlestar Gallactica, Star Trek:TNG, and then the makeup artist who won an oscar for the Lion the witch and the wardrobe, as well as working on Sin City, and Kill Bill.

    On the merchandise side of things it was pretty cool, lots of interesting little crafts people made so I picked up a big painting based on Game of Thrones and another on Legend of Zelda. I also picked up a nice Megaman riding a Chocobo 8-bit art piece. Plus there was also the typical stuff you'd find from a vendor like action figures, board games, T-shirts, etc. but that was expensive and I used up my money quickly! XD

    I was wearing a gaming T-shirt but I felt kinda bad since practically 90% of the people there were in cosplay! You had the usual Avengers, Hatsune Miku, Darth Vader, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy and then there was some awesome anime cosplay for Haruhi, Madoka, and lol I counted at least 12 people dressed as the characters in Attack on Titan! I guess that's the big one this year. Have you made any(or thought of any) new costumes lately?

    Anyway, I hope you're havin' a fantastic weekend over there and I'll see you around!
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    *looks over Chel's profile* Ohhhh, Congratulations on the graduation! My younger sister is actually also graduating from high school this year, but she still has the month of June to go left. She's been planning since forever to go to Veterinary college so that's cool~

    I sees the new games you've been playing, wow! I'm currently playing Child of light too! After finishing up Banner Saga(which was pretty sweeet), and Animal Crossing: New leaf. How are you finding dem games so far? n' also, everything going well on your side?
  15. View Conversation
    Ooh, awesome. The outfit turned out great :O

    Constant foot pain would suck, ugh >_< I think I might be developing some degree of plantar fasciitis, which really sucks as a runner, but I'm finding ways to prevent it at least. Yeah, best to get that done now before it gets worse, if nothing else. And good call on the in-state art school, I think you'll do fine

    Glad you're enjoying the stories, I should have the next one posted later today You definitely racked up on games! Child of Light is certainly intriguing, looks like a lot of fun. As said I've been playing DOA5 a lot, and I've got Tales of Graces f ready to play next. And YAY TANKTOPS, I've had mine busted out for a bit and it's wonderful to be back in them :3 I've noticed the loose, airy look is pretty popular this year and I bought a couple of chiffon shirts like this to go with it, they are so goddamn comfy and sexy as hell :O
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    Daaaamn, lookit dem legs! :9 Fuck the dress code! Shoulda worn a Ballistic Coat :O Also chiffon is freaking amazing, I got a couple chiffon shirts and they feel so damn good.

    Oof, what are you having surgery for? You probably told me at some point, but that sounds brutal >_< Yay drawing though, I'll have to see some of your stuff And congrats on going with art school, I was kinda hoping you would this whole time and I think it's gonna go awesomely for you. You'll be in your own element amongst peers much like you.

    I've been pretty good, outside of work I've largely been writing and gaming and running. I've been coming up with side-stories for my fanfic while I work on the outline for the sequel, and catching up on my PS3 library. Currently pretty engrossed in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate :O Also buying summer clooooothes, which is the best thing ever.
  17. View Conversation
    WOOHOO! *throws confetti* Congrats! The horrors of high school are now gone forever :3

    So what's your plans for the summer, now that you're unleashed upon the world?
  18. View Conversation
    Fighter is definitely a lot of fun, very fast-paced with a lot of power. The weapons are a lot of fun and double sabers are so brutal :P I don't know how much the skill tree has changed in the past year since I played, but all the Gears are good and I ended up leveling both Stances (Wise is SO GOOD on bosses in parties). Chase Advance is really good too if you have an easy-to-proc SE on your weapon, like Shock.

    That's true, Layrinn and Kasera wore Tiger Pierce a lot too, so it definitely makes it feel like a Hunter outfit. The white looks awesome on Lis as always, and I did like how the blue looked on Cocona even though I didn't wear it much. Also really liked how Ballistic Coat looked as a Fighter outfit, since it pretty well worked with any class.

    And thank yoooouuuu ;_; I need a nice soak in some bath salts...or a full-body massage >_>
  19. View Conversation
    Sigrune is a shining beacon of amazing :O I love how she turned out.

    I've always associated Tiger Pierce with Hunters as well, much like I do Neighbor Quartz, and it looks pretty badass on Lis. Brings out her physique really nicely, because she's kinda buff! :P I really like the blue/black variant, looked pretty cool on Cocona.
  20. View Conversation
    Well of course, Lis gets some serious hat-hair And I'm kinda sad to hear that Heartbreakers aren't around much anymore, although that does give Cocona some uniqueness points :O

    Also, really nice work on Sigrune's reboot, love the valkyrie look. What inspired it?
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About LK1721

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Date of Birth
October 11, 1995 (28)
About LK1721
I spend far too much time on the internet.
Utah, USA
Art, sewing and high fives.
Xbox Live Gamertag:
GRAYmatter7 (Shared)
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PSO Characters:
Dragon-Lv 200 HUcast, Skyly[BB] [Retired]
Kye- Lv 18x RAmarl, Purplenum [GC]
Gyros_X- Lv 4x RAcast, Oran [GC]
Alicia- Lv 3x FOmarl, Whitill [GC]
PSU Characters:
Dragon-Lv 116 M Beast Fighgunner
Aarin-Lv 89 F Human Fighgunner/Fortetecher
PS Portable Characters:
Aarin Lv 7x F Human Acrofighter
LK1721 Lv 2x F CAST Protranser

L.K. Lv 119 F Human Vanguard
Hildr Lv 30 F CAST Hunter


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PSO Characters:
Dragon-Lv 200 HUcast, Skyly[BB] [Retired]
Kye- Lv 18x RAmarl, Purplenum [GC]
Gyros_X- Lv 4x RAcast, Oran [GC]
Alicia- Lv 3x FOmarl, Whitill [GC]
PSU Characters:
Dragon-Lv 116 M Beast Fighgunner
Aarin-Lv 89 F Human Fighgunner/Fortetecher
PS Portable Characters:
Aarin Lv 7x F Human Acrofighter
LK1721 Lv 2x F CAST Protranser

L.K. Lv 119 F Human Vanguard
Hildr Lv 30 F CAST Hunter

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