Why is it some players feel the need to reach the lvl cap the day after it's released? Same goes with Photon arts. I can certainly understand why you would want to achieve the third part of a combo or in my case the upgraded techs. But do you have to do it in one session/day? For how long do you plan on playing this game? I for one will be playing for a very long time (till they shut down the servers and beyond). For one thing, circle buffing and pa spamming is excruciatingly dull and painfully boring. So much so it's enough to make one lose interest in the game. On another note, what do you do with your time for the next (insert # of months here) months stuck at the same level, not getting credit for any exp you would have earned had you not been capped? Isn't that in essence a complete waste of time? I've learned my lesson the hard way. 8 hours of circle buffing is enough for me thanx. More personally though, I feel a greater much deeper sense of accomplishment in knowing I lvled up my techs naturally (minus shifta,deband up to lvl 16). I felt sorta cheap having lvled those two in that way. Which in turn creates a greater sense of pride in my characters stats, and EARNS me a lot of respect. When people look at my Photon Arts and say "Wow, you sure have a lot of high lvl PA's" (most notably all of my debuffs)., I know it was because of dedication, determination and patience. Not because I had all day to sit in one room hitting the x or y button (take your pick). So, what are your views on the subject? Please feel free to comment on this, but don't take offense as this topic is not intended to do so. I am merely posing the question.. What's the big rush?