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  1. #31
    Where da INS?
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    The problem with the majority of the last few generations of children is parents that do the exact opposite of how their parents raised them. Many had a very strict upbringing and hated it, so they let their kids get away with anything and pay for it later on. Well the parent's upbringing may have not been the best, the strictness of it should have reaffirmed many positive qualities. But it looks like common sense wasn't one of them.

    PS Sorry, my last post was to just rile people up.

  2. #32
    The First
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    According to what I have read and such... my generation, and most of yours, which is to say anyone born from 1981-2000, is split into 2 types now...

    Those born from like 1981-1991 are supposedly more like their grand-parents, which is to say more hardworking, stricter, down to earth, well spoken people...In other words we're nobler and willing to get the shyt done...We also don't rely on technology, but have a firm grasp of it... This is mainly a backlash from previous generations, generationX and Babyboomers, the latter of which drugged out and screwed around until they burned out and then inherited their shyt from their parents or pulled themselves back together a bit and invented new stuff from wild drugged out trips...They also suddenly developed an "protect the children from themselves" attitude while exposing children to many other things...this is mainly why we are seeing so many "stop the violence" things now adays more so than any real event in our generation... Then came generation X who are pretty much a bunch of random chaotic people who had no primary direction at all. They were growing up more during when tech was just beginning, drug usage dieing away, they pretty much have no identity and are as a whole prolly the least important generation, but then again because of where they grew up I'm hoping that someone in that group will turn out to be a great philosopher, but i don't think so, btw... George W. Bush is the first Gen X president...and you notice that thus far all the latest canidates have no personality...that's genX unfortunately... But because of these two group the first part of the our generation have become more conservative types and looking to our grandparents for our role models and more over they've pretty much declared that the past too generations, while they did contribute a bunch to make our generation great... they will not be remembered for very much other than the super significant people...

    On the other side, the second half of this generation there are a bunch of people who are wholely dependent upon technology, can barely work without it, are more sexually active due to the bad parenting, but sexual in what many consider more lewd ways. They are bratty, spoiled, arrogant, but for the most part many of them have no clue about what is going on regardless of most having access to more info than any previous generation. they aren't hard working, they are more over wildly unaware of the dangers that they will face and believe that nothing will ever hurt them...This was caused solely by the babyboomers who have become all about safety, and forget that a person does not learn to be safe when there is never any danger...I wouldn't doubt that one of these morons are going to be the cause of a full scale nuclear strike one day jsut because they think it's funny v.v But what's also interesting to note is this group is much like genX without much personality as a whole...

    The generation that is in this topic though is the newest generation i believe, so it is interesting that he said 13/15 were pretty well behaved...this would denote a return more to how things were previously...hopefully our generation has learned from the mistakes of our grandparents and won't have repeat of the burnout era!

  3. #33
    Envoy Thalui89's Avatar
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    On 2007-07-21 17:02, PhotonDrop wrote:
    On 2007-07-21 16:51, Thalui89 wrote:
    Then its not the childs fault, its the adult in charge who's at fault.
    I could have sworn I said that a couple times during this thread...

    O RLY?

  4. #34
    Fate binds us, destroys us.
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    Seems like this is the place for the veterans to hang out... oddly enough.

    Anyways, my two cents: Children are children, and they learn what they see, or what they are permitted to do.

    Removing them from the party is the best case scenario for the viewers, but it might not teach the kids anything.

    Violence is not really an answer though, it only creates bitterness.

    So what's the solution? Harshness of words?

    Someone let me know how it turns out, will they?

    That, and today's kids lack perspective. That's what Wikipedia (Was? Is?) can be used for. (at least if it isn't vandalized)

  5. #35
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
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    Durrakken, your post reeks of narcissism.

    This is, of course, expected, as our generation is known as the most self-indulgent of any.

    I was reading a newspaper article on how to handle recent college grads, mostly because of their incredible lack of discipline. That includes people from 1981-1991. You do have some relevant points, such as the conservative upswing, but did you just call us nobler? We're the apathetic generation, not the get "shyt" done generation.

    Kids also really aren't as innocent as we think they are, either. Maybe older folks need to talk to them instead of pretending that they're pets or furniture that only "get in the way." You might be surprised.

    (Oh, hey, it's logical2u!) No, I don't really believe that we should terrorize the children. Though, I understand the frustration.

    There's a difference between being strict and being a jerk.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2007-07-22 18:44 ]</font>

  6. #36
    The First
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    I didn't say we "are" nobler, but that's the implication that most put on us by saying we are more like our grandparents. the apathetic thing comes straight from the fact most of our parents are morons, burn outs, or simply don't have any grasp of current technology. let's face it, the differenece between the previous generation and ours is huge and there has never been such a huge gap before...well except well civilizations die and possibly when the wheel was invented... how can you care what others say when they obviously have no grasp of current tech...

    As far as the second part of our generation...If I recall something like 90% of all girls in the schools that were part of the abstinence drive pledged to be abstinent.... but it is shown that those girls that made those pledges are 6 times more likely to give a blow job and 4 times more likely to be involved in anal sex...Soooo that really bares the question is the safetifying of our schools really all that good to begin with...And you know before this abstinence pledge thing it became fashionable to wear bracelets of various colors that represent the sexual activities they were willing to do in some schools...both of these are from the same group...

    As far as little kids, the easiest way i have found to get them out of your hair is to lie to thm about something that will keep them looking for hours...though that's prolly not the best and prolly more harmful. Also I'm pretty sure there was a poll a while back that asked many of rising generation whether or not they should have gotten spanked more and they said "yes" and when asked if they think they will be spanking their kids they also said yes....

    as far as college grads i gotta say that michigan schools really suck...the first year of college is spent getting TO college grade classes for most and because of the outfux of jobs only the more known colleges are of really any quality, most of the community and lesser known colleges are pretty worthless so I can really say...but michigan college grads are more than likely idiots for the most part...

  7. #37


    My mother compares me to my brother constantly. She says that from the time we were born, we were polar opposites. I was always quiet and polite (I know, where'd she get that from?) and he was constantly whining and making noise.

    I've never been spanked, nor do I get in trouble very often at all (or to better phrase that, I don't get myself in trouble. It seeks me out), so I was extremely surprised when my uncle Sam put his foot on my back and kicked me down a flight of stairs when I was nine. I guess I had been so absorbed in my new book (Read: I have poor hearing in my left ear, and I had received the book on my birthday the day before) that I didn't hear him order me to get him a beer. (We were at my Oma and Opa's because they were unable to attend my party on the previous day)

    I've never seen my dad get angrier in his life. He hit my uncle Sam so hard in the mouth he actually lifted him off the ground. I think he might've killed him if my Opa hadn't grabbed him. The way I fell, I never actually hit the stairs. I just kind of flew until I hit the wall at the landing. I broke my left leg and arm (the side that hit the wall). My dad broke three of his fingers hitting my uncle, and uncle Sam got his jaw broken, and he swallowed a few of his own teeth. I think the first I've heard of him since then was two years ago, when he sent me 50 bucks on my birthday.

    I think the point of that anecdote was that when I have children, they will be disciplined, but not unjustly. In PhotonDrop's case though, those kids need to be given a good smack upside the head.
    Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

  8. #38
    Envoy Thalui89's Avatar
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    Some children arent innocent whilst others are. It all depends on their social situation. For once xD i agree with durakken. Whilst people born in the 80's (i was was born 1989) arent innocent and are more troublesome than the generations before them, i do feel that people born in the 90's are more out of control. But that view is just my personal experience with people aswell as my works experience in schools. HOWEVER i think its vital to note that not all children are the same, meaning there are those who are an exception to the rule.

  9. #39


    So, people born in the 80's are the thinest kids at fat camp?
    Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

  10. #40
    Envoy Thalui89's Avatar
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    READ what i said

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