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  1. #31


    I had a nice detailed review, but then I click preview to check it all out in a whole, and I get a "Cannot connect to server" and lost it all... so I'll just give the short version.

    Voice Acting: Subpar, could use a little more emotion
    Combat: Tends to be a little stale, less your a melee person and you see an archer
    Quests: Cryptic much?
    Skill Progressive: Quick to learn new skills if you are a melee person

  2. #32
    The Undefined ABDUR101's Avatar
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    Thats why you ALWAYS copy everything before you hit submit/preview. I've learned that over the years here.

    However; I wasn't bothered by the voice acting or quests. Combat, well, it's a hack and slash game, with spells and bows as secondary from what I've played. I think we've all played worse in all of the above categories(PSU, anyone?)

    My only real concern, is the online. This game uses peer to peer, it has no dedicated server other than for match-making(as do alot of games for Xbox LIVE); however the network code doesn't seem to be up to snuff. I'm sure they will address this in a patch, as it's a major selling point for the game. I'm really looking forward to questing with afew other players, but even then I'm still enjoying the mindless killing and exploring for now(which I tend to in most rpg's, exploring and character progression take first seat to the story; side-quests are where my meat and potatoes are).

    However, gamefaqs and the official xbox forums for the game are just full of disgruntled people, most of which most likely haven't even played the game and just want to trash something; because those communities are elitist by nature. I myself like to find games that might go 'under the radar' of most people, but tend to be gems in their own right.
    Look, he did it again.

  3. #33


    On 2007-08-25 11:37, ABDUR101 wrote:

    However, gamefaqs and the official xbox forums for the game are just full of disgruntled people, most of which most likely haven't even played the game and just want to trash something; because those communities are elitist by nature. I myself like to find games that might go 'under the radar' of most people, but tend to be gems in their own right.
    I find the game fun, I think they are all disgruntled people who were expecting the next Elder Scrolls game with some online play, which it of course Falls flat on its face when it comes with the online play. Truthfully, I'm enjoying it, I've looked past my two major issues with the game and I am thoroughly enjoying the game.

    My Two issues is the Tool Tips in the inventory/menus, and the Dead Rising Syndrome(Tiny Text)

  4. #34


    Thanks for the input...I know some managers at my local gamespots that are holding a used copy for me so I can return it if I don't like it. Just to be safe...

    I'm not too concerned about graphics (I play PSU for god's sake... lol) but I seriously hope they patch the MP VERY SOON because that's a selling point to me. If I wanted a great SP experience I can just fire up Oblivion.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DreamLocke on 2007-08-25 11:55 ]</font>

  5. #35
    Guardian's Member
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    Default the posts, i think it's cool, but, it's room system(PSU) or you are in the world with the other(WOW)?

    See ya!


  6. #36
    The Undefined ABDUR101's Avatar
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    From what I've seen on LIVE, it's standard Optimatch, Quickmatch, Host a match, you can invite friends and so on to your pre-game lobby, then you decide which town you want to start in. The list of towns are quite many, and they vary in difficulty(you start in an easy town when you first start, that way you can gain experience and equipment. Each town has multiple quest givers).

    You then go with your party, up to eight at once, and do various quests around the various towns. You don't have access to the ENTIRE gameworld, but from what I've seen the gameworld is quite decent sized for an eight player group to romp around in, and there are multiple areas(quite afew from the list I saw) so as you progress you'll have plenty of places to go and explore.

    Quests range from killing packs of animals in the easy areas, up to taking down dragons later on. But this is NOT a MMO, don't be confused. Aswell, once you complete the quests and all that, you can keep re-doing the areas and quests by starting a new 'match'.

    However, the 360 version is needing abit of work, some people can handle only one other person in-game with them, others can handle up to three, it just comes down to who hosts the match and how good the overall connection is. However, it is addicting and fun, much moreso than PSU was. Merely because there are no penalties; you can upgrade your equipment, trade, find some really cool stuff and all that. It's like Diablo 2 meets Oblivion; except your armor/weapons don't degrade or need repaired.

    Overall, rent the game and give it a try. Don't take my word for it because what I like might be very different than what you're looking for.

    But; I was playing for three hours last night in singleplayer, got to lvl 10 and had just found two awesome weapons. Kiss of Death, a two handed maul, and Aziraal's Eye, a two handed sword named after a dead God in the game, amazing damage on them, like 250-300 base, and about five minutes later my 360 froze and I was having so much fun I forgot to save. My nephew and I started to chuckle, but it did'nt matter, we restarted the 360 and started all over again. He was having fun just watching me play. =]
    Look, he did it again.

  7. #37
    RAcast v2.03 amtalx's Avatar
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    One question: Does this game have a subscription fee? I might look into it if I can play it on and off without having to pay for it.

  8. #38


    Game's free since it isn't really an MMO and doesn't have dedicated servers for that matter.

    I still might pick it up because the hate has died down on the boards and quite a few people who stuck it out are starting to enjoy the game despite it's faults.

    It needs serious patching but there are news that a major one is coming within a couple of weeks to adress address the lag in multiplayer and a few other quirks.

    We'll see...I'll keep my eyes open for more news.

  9. #39


    Abdur, I appreciate your incite on this game. Some of the things that you mentioned I had no idea about. One of them was really beneficial to me and made the game a bit easier for me. It was the combining of the weapons ability. If I'd known about that earlier in the game, I'm sure my character would be much better than he is now. I feel that I judged this game a bit too early at first sight and I'll play it a bit more before really passing my own personal review off to my friends.

  10. #40


    Picked up a used copy last night. It was late so I didn't get a chance to play too much last night.

    It's backwards because the first few minutes of the game...cutscenes and early gameplay are unimpressive. Usually developers put all their effort into making a good first impression. But once you get outside things look a lot better though. I like how you can adjust the HDR settings.

    I didn't notice the framerate issues that seem to be coming up on the forums, but it does load from time to time which is understandable.

    Like I said, I didn't play much, just enough to look around the first town, talk to a few people, and get killed by a pack of wolves. I also was able to stack a couple of swords together to make a better one. Nice feature.

    I solo'ed the MP a bit with a new character, an elven warrior. No lag, but then again I was in a private room by myself. I stuck around long enough to get mauled by a wild boar. There could be potential here. Looking forward to playing w/ actual people tonight.

    My only gripes right now is the menu screens are a bit counterintuitive and it's obvious they were optimized for the PC with a mouse. I'm sure you get used to it, but at first it is difficult to navigate the menu interface.

    I'll get to play a bit more tonight to get a better impression of the game. I'm not floored by my first impression of it, but I can see potential.

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