On 2007-11-01 22:50, waluigi1 wrote:
It seems most of the opinions of fT here say it should be focused on support above all else...but where is the rule that says fT can't be an offensive class?
This is because pre-AoI FT is the main support class, we deal great damage, but not as much as melee. That's why there's major focus on support over damage.

Clearly though, a good Fortetecher is one that does both good healing and good damage, and at least debuffs with Zoldeel. Even in AoI and Acrotecher we will still be heavy into support techs.
A Newman FT already heals for full hp with less than level 30 resta, level 31+ has the same range as 21+ so it's a non issue. Same thing with Reverser. The only thing AT would be better at is buffboting, and that's great for FT's because who really wants to chase around players all day trying to buff? Unless AT is broken, FT will definitely be outdamaging them with our level 40 techs, so the role of FTs being both good damage dealing and support will remain unchanged.